Enthusiasm is Infectious
There was movie made long ago. Life Is Beautiful. Never saw it. It won an Academy Award. What I remember most was not the winning, but it was the celebrating. Roberto Begnini was so joyous and exuberant that he jumped out of his seat. Walked on seats. He began to shout and scream with laughter. Such genuine joy, no one could not be infected by this. Could not stop smiling. You Tube Video of Roberto Begnini accepting Academy
One thing I do when I am with my nieces is scream. We have the sunroof open and we just start screaming. I start with a giggle. Then 0 to 100 mph, in ten seconds. Then a laugh, then I go to the extreme. I sceam in laughter. Loud. Yes, it is fake. Loud and fake. Loud and vein popping. People in cars next to us just start looking at us while I scream in laughter. Yes, I do try to embarrass my nieces. They just can’t help but smile. They just can’t help but start giggling and smiling. It helps when you are in a car with family and friends. Stuck in traffic. No one can get away. They start to giggle. Captured audience, literally. If they are drinking something, you get bonus points when fluids shoot out their nose.
Fake It, Til You Make It
I mean. Fake Scream Laugh until it feels like you are passing a kidney stone. Got to show enthusiasm. Be ridiculous. This is not for the faint of heart. Veins must be popping. Face should be reddening. Sides should begin to hurt. Once on a roll, the thought of stroking out is not uncommon. Can’t think of a better way to go. Laughter becomes contagious. Throwing caution to the wind. laugh until you can’t catch breathe. Personally, I see them smile and I begin to cry in joy. Ask them.
Toothy Smile Is How It Begins
Others just can’t stop laughing. Hearing someone laugh with such enthusiasm. People, as a rule, can not help it. First its a smirk. Then a smile. Then it becomes an open mouth smile. Do it right people will begin to giggle. Mouth open. Releasing the hormones of laughter is good. Ever watch Patch Adams. Medicinal laughter is not new.
At Times, Life is a Joke. Might As Well Get Paid.
My friend Corrine did stand up comedy. She was good, I hear. She has lived a challenged life. I know it. Caught some short previews when the material for her works was being made. She is happier now. From what I read on her Facebook page I see the hard times have not made her a hard person. I find her strong and happy now. She should stop smoking though. If you are reading this Corrine, Stop.
A red headed hurricane. She hates that. She is a whirlwind. Never thought this was a bad term of endearment. She makes an impact on your life. Death and destruction is not her way. Okay, a little destruction. Its okay we need to clear things away at times.
Black Box for Relationships: Cramnarttocs
Rinnes, I don’t care what others think. Some may not like you. I am not one of them. I love ya. To those that have hate in their heart, defriend them.
Remember, some people get stuck. People get blocked. Sometimes a flush up the anus will clear the crap. Its okay, they are plugged up. A friendship enema. What is stuck inside them will hurt them more than they do you. Sepsis of the soul. Karmic Crap. People are cranky. Bowels obstructed would make most feel uncomfortable.
Thar She Blows. . .
Backup not a pretty sight. Just watch out when they blow. Diarrhea of anger and hate. They get rancid inside.Some get past Freud's oral stage. However, others are stuck in the Retentive. Explosion, not always a pretty sight. Chunks of crap splattered on the side of the white porcelain. Just Flush. They don't the have Fiber of Love. The stuff to pick and clean that gunk inside. Its pretty unsightly. If you can pray and send Love, then maybe the colitis of can be removed away. Remember Nuts are not good. Lincoln logs need to expelled. Just flush. Nice imagery. Poop.
Poop. Poop. Poop—Okay I’m done.
At any rate, where do I go now with this enema metaphor?
Hmmmm. Bathroom?
Well, gotta run. Nature is calling. Seem like an appropriate place to end.
Why? Shit happens. And You Gotta Go, Go. Just Flush. Please Flush. Don't want to smell your stuff. It Stinks.