Monday, August 8, 2011

Waiting for the A/C to Kick In

Almost midnight and I am wide awake again. Half moon outside and the wind is not blowing. Feeling the summer out the window. Tomorrow is minutes away and it feels like forever.  It feels like the Earth Stood Still.

Leaving in few days. Gonna see some sights. Going to bring the night mask to block the noise outside. Won’t be driving which gives me time to peer out the window as the sights just pass. Vegas lights, Denver Mountains, the Great Men. Hope to see Smoky and Old Faithful, too. Nature’s masterpiece awaits.

We take for granted the stuff right in front of us. Family, friends, the road outside your front door. Drove to the Fashion District a couple days back. Heard this older Japanese Man stand on top a ladder shout to the top of his lungs, "One Dollar, One Dollar, One Dollar." it made everyone smile. Couldn't help it. Watching all these women get ruthless. Opening plastic bags, tearing out the lingerie in the middle of the street, start smiling at the man sing his song, "One Dollar, One Dollar, One Dollar," 

Did you feel that? It just became today. Imperceptible these moments. In a blink of an eye, a dedication. A baptism. Just yesterday you were looking at an ultrasound. Next moment you are posting on Facebook her braces are finally off after four years. Read a friend, renowned for some bluntness, say some  kind words of thanks. Loved her either curt or caring.

We got lost in moments. Found myself obsessed with a person’s paper on legitimacy of govt sanctioned yada yada yada. Why? Because someone wrote that I shouldn’t use part of a military text and the reasoning is faulty. It fueled my fire. I agreed with the person, but to say I didn’t know what the blank I was talking about. . .well, I am just that way.Role playing a monster is fun.

Would talk about the uncomfortableness of the weather at the moment. I hear the sirens of a fire truck at a distance. It sounds like its getting closer. I know it’s a lull before the adventure. Maybe that is why I can’t sleep. Just helpless to this anticipation and heat. Bag is packed. Snacks taking half the traveling bag. Figure I will buy whatever clothes on the way. Eat the snacks, fill the bag with souvenirs and such.

Read how a relative got defriended by her sibling. Not sure what that is about, but hope it doesn’t last long. I had to defriend cousins myself. I felt were hypocritical. Pure 49er. Maybe its mindset. Maybe she is  hardwired. Could dismiss it as the ways things are. Thing is, all things change. Maybe she just needs a hat.

Been watching some of the Classics. Last three movies were Westerns: High Noon, Searchers, and Wild Bunch. Cary Grant, Gary Cooper,Katherine Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor. Never saw these movies before. However, someone as deemed these "Must-Sees". Trying to understand some of the cultural icon references these have on today. Like what is the deal with Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Cary Grant, John Wayne. I bet money the young ones have never heard some of these names.
When I spoke to my nieces and asked if they've seen the Terminator or Jaws. Asked if they knew Superman or Batman.The had to pause and think about it.When did I become the older generation. Guess it is like pause when it just became today. That was 15 minutes ago according to the clock. 

They've never seen a dial up telephone. When my nephew asked to play WII it just brings me back to a time when Coleco, Atari, Intellivision, video games were all the rave.Pac-Man, Galaga, and Defender were something to be marveled. They never heard of Pong.

A guy named Windfield lived in the house behind us. Had a dog named Edak. I don’t know about the name, but it was his dog.  He collected Pinball machines and video games, the arcade version. His front room had posters of Centipede, Donkey Kong, and other gaming classics. My education in the gaming history is Yoda smart. Guess, I am trying to say is that these hot summer nights when the AC has gotten the house to a comfortable coolness, one tends to reminisce and wonder about their place. 

Can’t stay here too long or we might crash into something and miss that next magic moment.