Wrote a piece yesterday, but didn't post. Yesterday it seemed relevant. Now. Not so much.
Who am I writing this for? Some for me, but in a way for that someone special. Hope this will touch this person. To maybe understand. Not everything, but an idea. Through the months this blog has been existence, been an attempt to put part of me out there. For some understanding. For some connection. For some forgiveness and redemption.
Not going to expect that I will receive any of these aforementioned. I will that I will Hope that this will happen. Turning back the clock and review my life will come. Things that I have done and failed to do will surely come to bare. Finished things I am proud of. Others, it makes it hard to look in the mirror and enjoy parts of the year.
I hold to Hope because of Synchronicity. The guardian angels that accompany me and record everything. In time I will sync with big Itunes in the sky and my history will be backed up for review. Perhaps there will be reset and I will go again, completing tasks left undone. Perhaps I will be at that highest level of Maslow's pyramid.
Synchronicity has placed in a position to make connection, no matter how indirect. Synchronicity gave me reason to read that book and travel across the contiguous continent. It got me to kiss the girl under the moon. It made me meet the other her. It also made me angry and distant. It got me thinking about what could have been with the girl and the kiss and why I chose to go a different way. It got me choosing my parents when I was there. It got me facing the difficulties and challenges that we almost must face.
There is a draft sitting in the Hopper. It discusses a great day and how through asking the Universe that all things are possible. You will read it when I post it. There is a destiny we all must face. Events will be thrust upon and in time we will rehearse possible outcomes and when the moment is right, then we'll see if all that training will have been worth it.
My eyes are heavy and I need to wake soon. Big Smile, thank you.