Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Coming of Age

Icy Hot Balm--That's what I smell like. Been like this lately. Knee is achy. Quads feel a strain. Left Achilles is tight. My chest is sore, but will be worse tomorrow. Guess, this is what I have to look forward to. Shouldn't deny. Pretending its not happening is a set up for ill-advised bravado. Don't like the idea that this is inevitable. Not 20 anymore. To think that, well, I will just say. I enjoy Yoga more than lifting.

This holding on to what has been. Its a slow choice. That road traveled. Time flies by faster than ever imagined. Old friends I said, "See you later." I never see them again. Playmates I had are talking about grandkids. Aunts and Uncles are trying to hold on to their youth. It makes sigh. Finding that place where it feels at home.

Wrote of wedding I attended this last weekend. Thought about holding on to Hope. Wondered if I am ready. Can say yes or no on the subject. Just okay with the Big Smile has in hand. Headed in soon and I realize, next week is JC's Bday. How the year has sped fast.

Right now, I am okay with just writing and putting thoughts down. Catching a moment to just catch up. Moving so fast that I remember to slow down. Can't wade in the past because I will miss it. Can't keep moving because I will forget to smell the flowers and take a picture of right now. Can't have the time to plan for tomorrow is tomorrow. So I will write what I can and enjoy what's in front of me. Let go of what is holding me back and Hold tight with is most important.


Its time for me get the thumper. Its my Massager and work out the knots on my shoulders and calves. Got to apply another coat of Icy Balm. Reality of age is making a loud announcement and I need to mitigate its message to my unaccepting ego.