Two thirds of 2011 is used up. August goals ahead and I would like to accomplish a few things this month. First and foremost is pray a little more and shed some much needed weight. Spent all of last month just getting to the gym again. Had some backsliding and just 10 more days of a forty day streak. Swam a little, crunched a little, even rode my bike a little. Last night for instance, I had to tell myself, just check in and go from there. That was all I needed. Put on the workout gloves and I just did a quick 39 minute. Same thing for swimming this afternoon. Pool was warm and I just jumped. Was doing a 100 laps per day, but it just got too time consuming.
Been thinking about deactivating my facebook account. Not sure if anyone reads. I get a like here and there and the intermittent stuff made me realize why I went off for a month. We need to be part of a community. Family and friends stuff I read and enjoy. I get jealous of some of the pictures they have. I’m especially jealous of this one cousin. She goes everywhere. Machu Pichu, Galapagos, Spain—everywhere. Plus her sister is a stewardess and I get a bit envious. Shouldn’t, but I do. I see others with their kids loving life and think. . . that I rather not do much thinking.
Going on a tour for a few days. See Yellowstone, Rushmore, the Arches. Stop by Las Vegas, but Vegas is Vegas. Its something to look forward to. August hoping to knock off a few things off the bucket list. Soon September will come and wow three-fourths of the year will be done.
Been keep a diary of things I’ve done and seen this year and it seems that it is never enough. Hope that this feeling doesn’t change. Enjoyed the Sand Castle competition, the grunion runs, and whale watch. Like being with family to Sea World. I love doing the Mission thing: San Diego, Xavier, San Luis Del Rey, Ventura, and Santa Barbara. Would have liked to have flown on a Hot Air Balloon, but the Balloon Glow at the Citrus Classics was nice, too. Rode an Elephant and I’m looking forward on Camel or Ostrich.
Soon the Winter will come and we will be saying thanks for Black Friday and the Holiday Season. However, I think we need to say thanks everyday for all that we are given. Saw some holy relics this year. Part of the True Cross. Learned what an uncorruptible is. And I got published a few times in the AV Lifestyle. Been encouraged by the writing group I’ve attended. However, what I am most proud is being an uncle to some very wonderful kids.
Well, not much for inspiration for this post. More a report card on what’s been done. Big Smile, thank you. And those that read thank you again.