I would see the guys working out in the middle of the night. Just in the zone. I wondered why they do this. Don’t they have someone to go home to? Are they working out for some health reason? Why is are they out and about working out? I just wonder.
Where are you? Do you hear me writing? Don’t know if you want to hear what I have to say? Are you there? This is what is meant to be. Took to long for you and me. Its the song on my headphones. I sit and see an old man sitting at the next table. He’s wearing a light brown members only jack. Black and grey hair pulled back into a pony tail. (I had a pony tail, some time ago, too) He must be in his 60s or 70s. I hear him call and speak to some random person. I get the feeling he’s just existing. I see him here and there at Barnes and 24 Hours all the time. Introduced myself to him some time back. I hope I'm not him in my years to come.
Another guy sits in the next table. His name is Fernando. He was a year ahead of me in high school. Good tennis player from what I remember. I used to see him hit the ball at McAdams Park. He looks older. He’s drinking a venti from Starbucks. He looks dead in the eyes. We don't make contact. He's deep in his book.
Another girl sits across from me, college sophomore. She’s wearing a grey sweater. An old lady's sweater. Hand on her head as she pours over her psychology or anatomy book. I see a diagram of neuron. It's almost ten o'clock. She doesn't look happy. Maybe its a first midterm. Lips are pursed. Dark brown hair that goes past her shoulder. Eyes are looking down. No life in her eyes. Just a serious, no joy in her eyes look. I wonder if its worth it to her.
I was going to sit back in the religion section but there was guy I used to play basketball. His name is Chris. He’s Filipino. He’s going to USC, I think. Studying something. Nursing, probably. He was an okay basketball player. He looks older now. I wonder why he is studying so much. I’m sure I could go sit down and reminisce, but it would dredge time long passed. Don’t know if I want to go there and re-live opportunities missed and life lived these so many years. He's looks frustrated too. His hand is on his head, too. Frustrated. His eyes seem down.
Thought I recognized another old friend at 24hours while doing cardio. His name was Raman. Glasses, a little heavier from what I remember. He looks older. Maybe it was a relative. We knew each other at AVC. A good guy from India. We played a lot of chess and pool. It could not be him because he’s in GOA in India on some poker team.Doppleganger Raman just walked in and walked out. No joy in his eyes.
My eyes dilated while on the lifefitness cycle. On the Bicep curl machine, a few feet away, I thought I saw M. Looked the same age. A junior in high school. Asian. She had a green streak in her hair. It has been so long since I seen her. Too long. Too, too long. I hope she will forgive me and I hope she lets me in her life. I need to see her. I hope she'll let me in. Our eyes connected, but we both looked away. I don't think it was her. How I wished it was her.
I keep seeing the people. Of course, I see people. Its just. . . I don't know. People I knew but didn’t know. Could be cordial. Could ignore them. Could let it pass. What would you do? I could feign interest, but I guess the Doubt and Fear Gremlins have strong presence here. I am somewhat interested, but not so much. What do I do? What would you do? Don’t know where this down and negative thoughts have come from? Do I want to relive the past and remember time lost? Is my medication effecting my mood? Is my blood sugar low? I don’t know. The weather may have something to do with it? Maybe its SAD, seasonal affect disorder.
No, this is selfish of me. There is a reason I keep seeing people from my past. I should risk and say, “Hi.” and learn from this encounter. Something wonderful may come this moment. Maybe they have answer to a question I have. Maybe I have an answer a question they have? When we spoke before there was something?
Guess, I will just write and see where this vein will take me. Music is a bit haunting and its getting late. Tomorrow will bring a new day. Just breathe. (Pictures are just random I have taken these last couple of months) Breathe.