An unfinished life is. . .
There are so many ways finish this sentence. It’s a . . .tragedy. It’s . . .unimaginative. It’s . . .the truth. All are correct. All are false. The truth is you define your life. You decide how to view events. Good, bad, and somewhere in the middle. You impart the meaning to what happens and what doesn’t. People can tell you this is good. Then they can try tell you what is bad. Who are these deciders of fashion? Who are the moral police to tell me or you what is of quality and what is not? Morality is vogue.
Society has an impact. Religion has an impact. Parents, brothers, sisters, and the rest of the kin has there two cents to say. Still, you are ultimate decider for your personal truth. Your personal story. Sure some would say we the Big Smile would reveal the meaning behind all this. I don’t refute this at all. However, we were given free will, many Bible readers would say. Others would say submit to those that follow the Islamic teachings. Others of Abrahamic brethren would be more rule following. However, to acquiesce or own judgment to others is a tragedy . It is unimaginative. It is the truth how many of us lives. False or correct these good intentioned people may be, but we all too often do not to listen to that most important voice inside of us all.
Bombarded by noise of tv and radio. Noise of talking heads. Noise of the everyday going-ons in life. We feel we can’t hear our own heart, our own thoughts. We are suffocated by so much static we can't breathe. Did you know that Son of God was said to have traveled to the mountains, gone for 40 days in the desert in some mini exodus. When the people seeking healing and salvation were great,it must have been suffocating, he took some time to be oneself. To take a moment of pause and examine the trials ahead of him. The Prophet Mohammad was said to go to the mountains and the Angel Gabriel gave him the message. He needed time, too. Joseph Smith was said to have found some tablets. Moses went up the mountains and and got some stone tablets.
From what I get of these stories, is that we need to get away and re-examine, re-define, re-imagine a new way. We need to get the message clear. We need to be one with the Big Smile. Alone. We need to really listen. We need to listen and read the message of Angels, our Malachi, and do good work. Whatever work that may. An unfinished life is what we decide.
Did you know the word angel means messenger from God according to the Christian and Hebrew Bible. It is to be the "bearer of news" In the Qur'an, they referred to as Malaikah. Actually the word Malachi, means my messenger. The Book of Malachi refers to the "hand of God."None had wings, too. Seraphims and Cherubims are often depicted with wings.Many messengers--human messengers--were prophets or priests.
We ridicule peopl. We ostracize them. We put them in institutions. Those to have announce to have gotten messages from God we give pause to their credibility. Schizophrenic? Maybe they did get a message, maybe they are full of debris. Truth is some of the garbage I've seen and been witness to, there had to be some divine message being sent. Maybe it was to tell us how to act, how not to act, to be and not to be. Truth. I can't answer this for you or anyone else. Go to a counselor or holy man (or woman) I can only hear my own guardian messenger.
A message for me, the word Ezra,has meant something for me. First heard the band, Better than Ezra. Then took a Bible as Literature class and there was discussion of the Judges cycle and the prophet of Ezra. Then I read the Book of Ezra. Didn't think much of the book. It just seemed a story of listing people that re-built a temple to God. Then I read the study guide version of the Bible and it seemed to make sense and had relevancy to my own personal story and message. It was a discussion on how we, even with a broken heart, we can rebuild and make our heart--our Love--whole and strong again. Not an easy task, but one worth the undertaking.
My heart has been broken. Physically. Spiritually. Emotionally. We all have had this happen to us in our lives. Maybe not the extent as my CHF, but broken nonetheless. CHF my message, my Malachi. Guess, the reason I've been writing is to send a message. No, I am not spreading gospel or evangelizing. Its just not me. I have a story to tell to someone, to someone special.
Thing is. . .we are all angels. We are all messengers. We tell a story. We all have stories. For some stories, it is good. For some, not so happy. I would go on, but my message, my life is still unfinished. There is more to tell. So with everyday, with every moment, I add to this my message, my story.
For now, it is is time to take in, to learn, to document, to examine, and re-distribute. For now, go with. . .the Big Smile.