Deep breath. Hold it. Release. Again deep breath. Hold it. Release,
Okay, legs free from the heat. Now me and the keyboard.
Let's see. Let's look back a little and see where we've been. Started writing my blog a few years back. Started with my former neighbor's son dying. He was an terrible accident. Four friends got in a wreck. Four crosses on the side of the road. Wrote about a former wrestler leaving their shoes on the mat signifying they left it all on the mat. Written abut Kanye and Taylor Swift debacle. Wrote about playing in the hospital when I was younger. Lot of the post was about ENS. Messed up here. Wish I could turn back the clock and be better than I am. Wrote about family and friends.
So what should I write about now. Its been more than seven years since that life event and by all rights I am different. A different person than when I started. Some things are the same. Others different. Who am I now and who do I wish to be. Life is not stagnant. A force.
So what force is guiding me? What force is teaching me? What Force is it? Let's start by this. I believe in the Big Smile. I believe much of my issues are my own doing. Moreover, the methods to resolving these issues are within me.
Where to now? Okay, while Google is looking this up, lets review my bucket list. Learn a new language. Learn Spanish. Learn Tagolog. Read 500 books. Write a book. Eat an Ostrich Omlete. Make Eggs Benedict. Little things. Big Things. There's more obviously. But what are the Core Dreams--Core Values--Core Actions? Well, I think 2016 will be this time of exploration. May need to revise the mission for this blog. May just to review. Whatever happens, quitting is not in my nature and does not sit with me well. To those that read, thank you.
Quo Vadimus means. . .