Guess that is a choice we all make. Go to the gym. Workout pushing weights and spinning going nowhere to live longer. Eat healthy denying ones of twinkies and Krispy Kreme. Like TV enjoying to escape and live vicariously as secret spies or super athlete. Starting an empire or becoming the next American Idol. Spending all this time while not following one's own passion. Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?
Ever wondered what your self-actualized self is? Sometimes we get lost in the way. Following a course we imagined would get us to that Super Happy Place. Sometimes we are right. Sometimes, not so much.
Its a new year and its a common practice for people to formulate resolutions that will somehow transform to be a better "Me" I too follow this practice. I try not limit to just to the first of the year but it seems to be healthy practice to follow. A time to restart and review. Reminds me a bit Yom Kippur and Erev Yom Kippur. Before one asks forgiveness from God, One must ask for Forgiveness from Humanity, from each other.
If we were perfect, we do everything perfectly. Keep promises to each other. Do the right thing all the time. No cheating, no infidelities. No lying. No retaliations. No hurting. No everything we always do. Thing is I don't believe people just up and make one bad decisions to make them the person they are. Just a series of compromises and before one knows it, they become the person they were hoping to avoid.
Admittedly, there have been people I hated. a few in particular. However, in a broader perspective, I have tried not to follow this practice without giving them the benefit of doubt. I know that I've made decisions that I wish I could take back. I know others like me have done so to. They find themselves in circumstances that are overwhelming. There are cross roads that one can not go back.
Been playing chess a lot lately. Made a decision of not resigning even though its unlikely I can recover. Lost too much material. Position is checkmate in 3 moves. I am playing like crap. Still what I tell myself is that the other person is human, too. May be playing like a Big Blue now. But they can accidentally hit"Submit" instead of "Cancel.". They may have a brain fart and blunder. Maybe they resolved to stop playing when in three moves from victory. If they only could see it.
Can't tell you what the "Itgetstome" I can state, the difference be ordinary and extraordinary, is that little bit "EXTRA" When I can adopt this to my core, one may truly become "Limitless"