It's been a few days. Sitting on the phone for the DMV. Yes, its been awhile. Lines at the DMV look even worse. Tried a few times, but the block long lines has been a great deterrent. Only a few more weeks to get this business done and it scares. Not anything life threatening, just the time spent in line. Its not a concert or a Disneyland ride. Its the DMV. Sure it must be done, but other things are taking precedents.
Tried getting on the internet to resolve this, but, of course, the data they have does not match their records.What I was hoping for smooth sailing, all it is choppy waters. Guess, this is an exercise in patience. My blood sugar feels low and the smell of food is wafting through the air. My olfactory nerves are firing those neurons. They're telling me to hang up the phone and try another day. Yet, the sunk cost on the phone is telling me otherwise. This seventies music is hauntingly eye closing. I'm being put into a trance that the someone human will answer soon.
Twenty minutes later and I still am hypnotize to believing that my call will be answered soon.
Still waiting. . .
And more waiting. . .
And yet more.
Its funny how left with the droning dulcet sounds of DMV wait music, one lets all these thoughts manifest. Two hour wait. . .I could watch a movie in that time. . .Been wanting to watch that movie Exodus. . .Christian Bale is good actor. . .So is the Actor that played Ramses. . . I liked him in that movie, Warriors. . .Soundtrack, storyline, actors, universal themes, relatedness. . .My former writing instructor loved that movie. . .Wonder how she's doing? From her FB pics I've seen she may have gotten back together with her ex. . .They were on that TV shows about MILFs or Cougars. . .That one lady in Zumba is a MILF
Phone says I have been on the phone for 35 minutes and still no human contact.
It could be worse, but at the moment I am too hypnotized to think otherwise.
"We value your feedback. . .Blah Blah Blah. . .Go on our website. . .Blah Blah Blah"
That gnawing sound. . .That is the music shredding the first protective layers of my brain. Cranium has already been decimated. Now its on the Dura Mater, the Arachnoid Mater, and soon the Pia mater. Wonder what section of the brain will go first. Temporal, Occipital, frontal, Parietal. Maybe it will fill up the meninges and suck out all the cerebrospinal fluid. What about the cauliflower looking thing? Cerebellum, Maybe its my spinal cord will wither away. Can't really muster the strength to get up and go. Legs are numb and my derriere is quickly atrophying.
So cruel. . .There was a quietness and voice came on. It was the message again. I don't care about the variety of services provided. I just want to speak to a human. I am betting Purgatory is a bureaucracy.
Eyes are watering. Nose is congested. Migraine is forming. 48 minutes and 44 seconds and still no human word. Horoscope did say, "Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread."
It also said, "Communication takes center stage as you engage with others who can help you achieve success. However, it's tempting to say too much or push the limits of a conversation too far, negating the positive gains already made. Your sense of urgency is based upon unnecessary fears."
Looks like its ripcord time soon. 53 minutes and still no love. Communication has taken center stage and I was hoping to engage soon. Well, I'll add some pictures and if nothing happens soon. I am pulling soon and parachuting out of this Dead Zone.
One hour and seventeen minutes. I am pulling the ripcord.