Lazy Sunday morning. Going for a swim in a bit. Did my Fifty yesterday. It’s been too long since I’ve just swam. Had my headphones in the drink and I just swam. Found a dead lizard floating on the bottom of the pool. Also, a cricket turned white.
Cascades |
Just did 10 breast, 10 gloved breast, 10 free gloved,10 paddle, and 10 with the buoy.I like the feel calm in the water. Its the balance of making effort and having the surrounding water push and keep you afloat. Its fighting with and against the water at the same time. It's Rhythmic, It's the exhaling after doing the flip turn. Inverted S. The roll. Watching the bubbles out the nose. At times, I wish that I had an camera to take photos underwater. I’m sure it would be a sight. Feeling like gliding. Skimming the surface. Just having a swim.
San Gabrielle Mission Tile |
Last few times, I’ve taken a dip. The pool has been brisk. Yesterday, like bathwater. Perfect. No, to do laps, I like it brisk. However, for a nice relaxing swim. No lap number in mind, yesterday was perfect.
Been getting away from lots of things. Not this is bad, its just that people make choices. Three hours cycling on the recumbent at the beginning of the year. Then walking, finished a few 5ks. My mountain bike needs attention, so that may be next. Plus, I’ve had these roller-blades for some time and never use (Don’t know how). However, these exercise are who I am and who I’d like to be.
Watts Towers |
Take for instance, this Web Log. Blog. Don’t know if anyone read this anymore, save a few one or two. However, for now, this all that one really needs. Masses no longer matter to me. Adoration and need to be a leader has faded. The cause d’esprit has left. Now, it is the personal excellence that guides me.
Looking back, my love and drive was for saving people. For Heroes. Nothing else mattered. Self-sacrifice for a higher cause. A righting a past wrong. A love and want for admiration. Now, no longer. Learned these are transitory things. Nice to have, however, now no longer consuming.
I remember spending time at Golden Apple, Comic Con, Shrine, and other convention Center. These were the places of my youth. Searching to complete my collection. Searching for John Byrne, Frank Miller, George Perez.
Home of Kermit the Frog |
This need for stories are much like the people that enjoy Soap Operas Much like that people enjoy Oprah, Martha Stewart, John Stewart, Rush Limbaugh, Dan Patrick, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brein. Much like the people that attend Renn Fairs. Much like the people that play WOW (World of Warcraft)
So when I see kids and adults get lost in these imaginary worlds of video games, I find that this need is as important as food and water. Like the air we breathe. You see we are more than the body. We are more than the mind. We are of the spirit, too. People need to have have adventure, to be inspired, to express, to Live for more than just food and water.We have a need to create and recreate.
Outside Warner Brothers Studios |
These moments in creativity that feed our mind and nurtures our soul. Some may enjoy the role as the prankster. Some may enjoy the role of the loving mother. Some may enjoy the wise sage. Some want to be Maximus or Bruce Wayne or Gordon Gecko. It is these roles that we choose to live. It is an extension who we are and who we would like to become. Think of the people that watch ESPN. Young and older men wanting to live the dream of high school hero-dom. We see grown men creating in-home temples of their favorite team or player. They imbue a certain energy to this.
Think its a roller coaster from the Santa Monica Pier |
Think of all the people eye-ing Tiger Woods. If you are female, it may be that he is the betrayer and his market power has lost his uumph. Some still watch this fallen figure hoping and waiting to return to his former glory. It reminds me of the dark times in the movie Excalibur. The Land and King are one. Must see the movie to understand.
Charlie Browns Market |
Where this stream of consciousness is going is this, not only does the human spirit need the essentials. It needs to be inspired. To create. To express. To know that there is a Tomorrow and Next Day. To share to the world, Hope.
Church in Los Angeles (Getting Re-Modeled) |
The needs of the body are Powerful. Who doesn’t watch the Food Channel once in awhile? Porn is a large part of the internet, and the social mores of adult actresses are more tolerant. However, this basic, this primal instinct, this lower levels on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs is just that. . .Base.
Our base needs are important for one’s development.However, other needs supersede. Why would go on hunger strikes for a cause?
Why would give up things for love? Why do people make some irrational choices? Bad wiring or higher calling. Who knows? Not me.
Look at dancers. They need to express physically a message, a story. Look at artist, something inside them causes them a message on paper, on canvass, on the internet. Something moved them. Look at my journal this year, I’ve discovered many things. I’ve discovered many things about myself. I’ve discovered and discarded things that no longer hold importance. Let me clarify this, I've discarded priorities that no longer hold importance Now. Yet, it all counts.
Palmdale Rotary |
Simply, put I would not be who I am if it weren’t for the person who I was. Moreover, I can’t be who I want and need to be tomorrow until I handle today. So, society changes, good and bad. People Changes, good and bad. Body Changes, good and bad. Attitude changes, and we are the better for it, good and bad.This cycle is a journey and I plan to enjoy my smiles and cries.