It’s been days and the smile in his eyes returned. Throat was still raw, but the worst was over. Couldn’t breathe the days before. Chest congested. Coughing clear phlegm. Sneezing like a sprinkler. A half roll of toilet player lay next to his pillow. His floor littered with crumbled up snot swipes.
Still, it was better.
His stomach ached from his strained breathing. Eyes watered less and his nose was raw red from his many exhales. Air smelled better. Its been awhile. He hadn’t smelt a thing for days. Short blasts of abuterol gave moments of reprieve these long days. Couldn’t sleep because he couldn’t breathe. Gasping for air, his whole body was congested.

No more soup left. Chicken Noodle, Turkey and Rice. Tomato Cream to warm his inside. All were gone. Used them all up. In one minute, out the other in seconds. Medicine for the everyday. Hot tea with Lemon. Gargled salt water. Vicks vapor rub worn as perfume.
His hair still ached from the restless night. Strand this way, Curly cue that way.He was a yeti. It was a storm and he lost this fight. Found in the night by the alley cat searching for food, but finding his head instead. Not a pleasant sight, I’ll admit. Looking like something the cat dragged in, but changed his mind. Beat up, turned out, ripped to shreds. A roller coaster from a thousand feet up. This how he felt these last couple of nights.
Started with a scratch in the throat. Thought it was allergies at first, so he kept his bedroom window closed. Thought it would subside, but it didn’t. Losing sleep made him less cognizant. Couldn’t think straight. Thought it was the food. Nope, he began to ache and wanted to sleep. Laid down early that night. Woke up with an eruption in his pants.
No, he was lucky. He got to the bathroom in time.
Door shut. Couldn’t reach the light and make to seat. He chose to sit instead in the dark. Its probably best. Didn't quite hit the target, not unless you count lid.
Judy yelped. Awaken from her sleep. The manicured mutt was startled by horrible noise in the bathroom. A coughing and a scream. Judy just put her head down and closed her eyes. The canine thought to herself, one orifice at a time. Humans, don’t they know they will pop a blood vessel. The coughing and screaming continued, but Judy was fast asleep.
Its over now.
Fever broke and his appetite returned. Good thing, the smell was getting bad. Not that he could tell. It was the way family’s eye winced. It was how Judy refused to “Come.” It was the way his eyes watered when nothing made him sad. Its appetite time and time to shower. Fever has broke, let the new day begin.
Just after the shower, though.