NBA Finals is on mute. Air conditioning is keeping it cool. Day has been nice and quiet.
Have you ever done a timeline on your life? What pivotal moments has changed the course of your destiny? When did you decide to go a different way? Was it your choosing or was the Big Smile giving you a course correction?
Who were the people on your way? Are they still there? Have they moved on or are they still by your side? What was important one year ago? Is it important now? How about five years ago? Ten? Are the goals you set in high schools the ones your still holding now?
Read a quick post a friend on FB. "What is Effed up at being 40?" Some were poignant. Some hilarious. All a bit troubling. Seeing schoolmates with children graduating. Hearing a classmate dying because of complications. Defriended and blocked some people I knew some months ago. This led to some doing the same to me. Did the some relatives, too. A bit troubling. Heard a relative is upset at the way his mother's behavior is effecting his wife. Just shook my head.
I would say let it pass, but may need to get judicial. Perhaps getting legally tendered will slap some sense. Certainly, the pleas for sanity and cordiality has fallen on deaf ears.
Superman is opening today. Still, not too moved by the trailers. Just the story seems un-inspiring. Funny a hero, a staple on the DC Universe. A true icon. He's uninspiring. Just didn't connect with me. Guess, this dud thud has me scraping for something else to entertain.
Plans: review past posts. Time line it. Complete Timeline. Knock out at genogram. Update the family tree some. Review and re-do my bucket list. This will be game plan these upcoming months.