Been up all night. Just too wired up to sleep. Too much penne and pesto, I guess. Slept early and woke up at 1 and just couldn't sleep. Looked up and its 5:35 am. Its a Sunday so headed to mass soon. Got to shit, shower, and shave in a minute. So I wanted to put something down before heading out. Once out, don't want to get back in until its time to check in.
Non Zumba day for me. It a Sunday and getting to class just isn't to happen. Good day yesterday. Did some grocery shopping and wandered around Target for some non-thinking time. Looked at the Roku and chromecast. Debating on whether to pick one up here or just use the mpoints and have it shipped. Either way not high priority. Yesterday was nice because wanted to take the girls for popcorn and a movie. It was Unbroken. Not bad flic. It was Angelina Jolie produced movie. Won't say it was the best I have seen. Just felt it could have been better. Maybe it was the ending. Maybe it was the directors choices in the storytelling. Flashback were important, just didn't get that "Uuumph" when watching a great movie. I mean you know when you see a great movie that will have some gravitas. My movie Gravitas include Matrix, Fight Club, Forrest Gump, Blair Witch Project, Something About Mary.
I am sure there are people will say there are far better movies than the ones chosen. However, we know movies that will have a cultural phenomenon. Movies that people will hit a chord. We all feel it. There are somethings that have a greater impact on others. Perhaps it was the nature of the event. Perhaps it was the quality of the people involved. Perhaps it was a plain day that was a precursor for something not so wonderful. Regardless there is a moment of self-actualization. It was the nascent of Flow. I assume we all have had these moments. A first kiss, a wedding, a day at the park with one that is no longer her. Winning basket, that pin or knockout under the arena lights.
There's a Joy that lifts us.
For me, it was bit like yesterday. Eating supper with the kids. Watching movies with Loved Ones. It was rainy beautiful. No past hangups. No future worries. Just the right now of the Moment. This blog was started to remind of us Hope and things that warms our thoughts at night. We wish moments like these would last more and more often. We get caught in the drudgery of the day. Commuting couple hours in the morning and night. We worry about keeping and getting that next paycheck. Worry there is food in the cupboards. We see people selling flowers by the golf park. We see vets with cardboard writings asking for help. We see people with plastic bags full of recyclable sifting through the trash. We see Homeless vets sleeping in front of the County Library during the middle of the day. Bags of trash dumped in open spaces. Tags of graffiti on housing track walls by the elementary schools. We see business closing shops like Panera and Pennys. We hear about terrorist attacks at on the news and hear about Police doing work slow downs. We learn corporate business get bailed out and immoral CEOs jumping out with golden parachutes paid for the American Taxpayers. We hear elected officials guilty of adultery, laundering, and wasting.
There is so much to be upset about, So when these moments of Flow arise, it makes so much more rewarding and precious. Like a breath of fresh air for drowning man. Will just say, I wish that there was more of an overflow of Flow.
Anyways, the sun will be rising shortly and I still need to ready myself for morning gifts. Need some G Time and get right with the Big Smile.