Books My Friends
Read in an old Britannica book. Not the big thick brown tomes with the letters etched on the side. These were the thin, uniform-shaped white ones. These books were categorized in various topics, literature, world events, countries, etc. My favorites were the mythology and science. Best gifts ever. I was able to learn about anything and everything in these. These is where I found solace. This where my love for books took seed.
Self-Inflicted Sleep Problems
This will be a short post. I am low on gas. Low on time. I have got to get going. Last couple of days, I have been having trouble sleeping. Self-imposed, self-inflicted shots away from routine. A routine that I know makes me feel better. Slept on the couch, to George Lopez Comedy Special. No CPAP giving me my much needed breath of life. No comfortable king-sized bed to spread out. No comfort of the dark room. Two nights ago I was in the living room cuddled up, listening to the rants and laughter until Nox took over.
Last night, it was troubling. Thought about my life and how in a three or four decades, it will be over. Boy, could not go to sleep. Been thinking about things done and wondered is there enough time. Been surfing the net for exercise techniques to improve my writing. A few stood out. Alternate history, yearbook, and dollar. Alternate history one imagines a road not traveled, a "What If? comic book. What if you took different road, a different attitude during a significant time in your life. Yearbook, flip through the pages and write a story about the people inside. Who lived? Who died? What are they doing? Dollar, chronicle the exchanges of the dollar bill. Where does it go? What has happened?
Thought about these exercises, and it troubled me. Don't know whether my blood sugar got low and I was suffering from a hypoglycemic depression. Don't know whether the mid-life just hit. Will the next stage of my life be filled with purpose, hope, and renewed vigor. Or will it be. . .
In the coming months, in my journey toward Salvation. . .to the Big Smile. . .to whereever the Fates takes me, I will just Flow. Today's events will be to Tujunga to Uncle Juhn's birthday celebration. Need to get direction. Need to clean up. Need gas.
I Got This For You But I Didn't Know It At the Time
Back to the Sun ring. If you look up in the sky, you will notice around the sun. A ring of light. Sometimes its visible, sometimes its too bright The moon has one, too. Moon is easier to see Read about this phenomenon in my white Britannica. In my hurry out the door, I looked up saw the sun ring. Can't look at it directly, you'll go blind. No, I don't know. What significance does this have to what I write. Don't know how I will tie it end. But, I will.
I have been doing that lately. I do some things out of the ordinary, with this feeling that it has some later purpose.
Few weeks back I picked up some moleskin journals. Didn't know why at the time? I just knew I needed to get them. Thing is I just bought three myself earlier in the week and I thought it was an extravagance I did not need. Feeling kicked and I got them anyways. Later, spoke to my good friend Shazam. There was trouble and I sent them to her children. When speaking to them I knew it was for them
Its a Book of Five Ring's thing. Its the Ah-ha skill, I have been working on. Intuition. Listening to that voice, the nudge, the Angel (maybe). I'm more conscious to these nudges, these whisper, these "Ah-has"
Well, I need to run. I apologize for any typos, missed words, and run-ons. Please forgive. They say quantity over quality. That is what it is today.
Be well.