She'll Be Coming Around the. . .
Morning. Sun’s up. Lightly clouded sky. Cars are racing to in front and to my right. A camper sleeps a hundred feet away. Sunshades up. Bicycle in back. Out in the desert parking lot I wonder if its been there all night. On the corner of N and Sierra.
Morning. Sun’s up. Lightly clouded sky. Cars are racing to in front and to my right. A camper sleeps a hundred feet away. Sunshades up. Bicycle in back. Out in the desert parking lot I wonder if its been there all night. On the corner of N and Sierra.
A bicyclist rides the Sierra Highway Trail The traintracks to his right. I wonder where he is riding to. He has a bag on his handle bar. Another truck, a semi carries some load. Cars race north and south on Sierra Highway.
Painted Transports
A graffiti covered train passes by. A short one at that. Another Metrolink should be coming soon. There it is. White and six car one at that. Its taking those to LA. Going to Union Station.
A graffiti covered train passes by. A short one at that. Another Metrolink should be coming soon. There it is. White and six car one at that. Its taking those to LA. Going to Union Station.
Flying Insects
Tiny insects buzz around outside my window. Not bees. Tiny wasps maybe? Flies I think not. Like a squadron buzzing all around. Some land on my car door. Tiny transparent wings. Three segments Perhaps the lizards and birds will have something to eat in the summer days. I wonder why they fly around here?
Tiny insects buzz around outside my window. Not bees. Tiny wasps maybe? Flies I think not. Like a squadron buzzing all around. Some land on my car door. Tiny transparent wings. Three segments Perhaps the lizards and birds will have something to eat in the summer days. I wonder why they fly around here?
Frat Frenzy
I would take pictures but my window is dirty. They're back. Perhaps I didn’t notice before and they were always here. Don’t see any food around. Perhaps they are mating. There’s a general buzz about. Sorry. Get this tension feel. Looks like a mini air dogfight. Such frenzy. Reminds me of fraternity party. Just circling all about. Tried taking some photos, but its just a blur.All I can photograph is white buzz.
I would take pictures but my window is dirty. They're back. Perhaps I didn’t notice before and they were always here. Don’t see any food around. Perhaps they are mating. There’s a general buzz about. Sorry. Get this tension feel. Looks like a mini air dogfight. Such frenzy. Reminds me of fraternity party. Just circling all about. Tried taking some photos, but its just a blur.All I can photograph is white buzz.
Camper Awakes
Escaper is its name. A dark man with glasses drives right past. Maybe he will get lunch. No, I mean breakfast. I am the one wanting lunch. Mustache he had. He drove so fast. I wonder what his deal is. Morning must got his engine going.
Escaper is its name. A dark man with glasses drives right past. Maybe he will get lunch. No, I mean breakfast. I am the one wanting lunch. Mustache he had. He drove so fast. I wonder what his deal is. Morning must got his engine going.
AMR, um, Never Mind
Sirens start screaming from my right and behind. White and orange van comes racing up behind. An AMR. He turns left at the corner. Cars pull over to the right. The AMR Ambulance races North, my left on Sierra. Lights and sirens turn off and the ambulance doubles back. I wonder if he is going to hang at the corner, too. Dispatch must have canceled the call. LCH would be up the street and to the left. Hospital bound, I think not.
Sirens start screaming from my right and behind. White and orange van comes racing up behind. An AMR. He turns left at the corner. Cars pull over to the right. The AMR Ambulance races North, my left on Sierra. Lights and sirens turn off and the ambulance doubles back. I wonder if he is going to hang at the corner, too. Dispatch must have canceled the call. LCH would be up the street and to the left. Hospital bound, I think not.
Trains, Toyotas and Treks
Another bicyclist rides past. North South is his way. Mountain bike he rides. Helmet on and riding casually. Not seeming in a hurry. Just riding along in a nice pace. Wonder where is is going? I’d like to ride this trail once. Not so fast. Not in a hurry. Riding along casually.
Another rides South to North. This one seems more determined. A road bike he rides. Handle bars is curved in for a cyclist crouch. Reduce wind resistance. Cut down on the energy expenditure. Mountain Bikes have a straight handle. Brakes and gear-shifters at handles. A twist here changes speed. A squeeze with the left slows the front brakes. The right squeezes the brakes in back.
Riding Brakeless
Just the other day, on Sierra and Palmdale. Saw two kids. Jr High youths. Riding their dirt bike. Using their feet as brake. Thought to myself. This might be ugly. Cars are stopped and they can’t. Two youths riding reckless, throwing caution to the wind. Soles of their shoes are worn down. No brake system in back.
Just the other day, on Sierra and Palmdale. Saw two kids. Jr High youths. Riding their dirt bike. Using their feet as brake. Thought to myself. This might be ugly. Cars are stopped and they can’t. Two youths riding reckless, throwing caution to the wind. Soles of their shoes are worn down. No brake system in back.
No Mas
I think of Ricky Christian. An old high school friend. Not from a family with means. Home, like sister, was bit ghetto-ish. I remember his running shoes had deep divots. He used his soul of his new balance running shoes as a brake to slow down his descent. He like my girlfriend at the time. Funny, he had a Trek, but no brakes. A warrior. We would always fight. Fight in a boxing sparring sense. No not the angry intention battle. We would just compete. Spar with gloves. One time I landed a haymaker. Took him off his feet. A mighty blow. Reminded me of Mike Tyson. Eyes rolling back We stopped boxing after that.
I think of Ricky Christian. An old high school friend. Not from a family with means. Home, like sister, was bit ghetto-ish. I remember his running shoes had deep divots. He used his soul of his new balance running shoes as a brake to slow down his descent. He like my girlfriend at the time. Funny, he had a Trek, but no brakes. A warrior. We would always fight. Fight in a boxing sparring sense. No not the angry intention battle. We would just compete. Spar with gloves. One time I landed a haymaker. Took him off his feet. A mighty blow. Reminded me of Mike Tyson. Eyes rolling back We stopped boxing after that.
Feminine Flaws, Love Them
Glad those days are over. He ran cross country. A bit clumsy, but he was a companion. A buddy to hang with. Wonder what happened to him. Military I think. Hope he’s okay.
Glad those days are over. He ran cross country. A bit clumsy, but he was a companion. A buddy to hang with. Wonder what happened to him. Military I think. Hope he’s okay.
It’s funny how you remember things at the corner. A lifetime ago. Amanda, Elaine, Dana, Michelle. Good and great women I say. Beautiful, smart, flawed a bit. Good ones are I guess. Perfect to me. Times has passed for moments like these. I wonder if I will get lucky again. Who knows? I am happy to have been.
Ship Sailing
Traffic is picking up. Cars in groups of 4 and 5 race up and down Sierra Highway. Traffic noise is getting louder. Cars stopped at the light are three and four deep. Northrop Grumman or Skunkworks perhaps? These cars feel like in a hurry. Midweek and morning work soon. Palmdale’s ark is behind me and to my right. Its nice seeing it without graffiti. It just sits there waiting for the sunset. It appears the flying frenzy has gone. Perhaps, I too should take my leave. Goodbye flag above. Goodbye, Buzz. Goodbye green bush. Got to go use the day.
Traffic is picking up. Cars in groups of 4 and 5 race up and down Sierra Highway. Traffic noise is getting louder. Cars stopped at the light are three and four deep. Northrop Grumman or Skunkworks perhaps? These cars feel like in a hurry. Midweek and morning work soon. Palmdale’s ark is behind me and to my right. Its nice seeing it without graffiti. It just sits there waiting for the sunset. It appears the flying frenzy has gone. Perhaps, I too should take my leave. Goodbye flag above. Goodbye, Buzz. Goodbye green bush. Got to go use the day.