Nineteen more hours. This is it for 2010.
This is okay. Soon it will be 1/1/11. We get to begin again. Many have made resolutions. Many will decide not to because they do not want to feel that sense of pressure and disappointment. Understandable.
However, we are a declaration. Our actions, our inactions. Our beliefs and disbeliefs. Our feelings and disinterest all have impact. It all has an effect. We can sit at the sideline, marshalling energies, evaluating situations, formulating strategy in the end. It stuff. These imagined games we play is the drama that we create.
Wanderlust, discovering, exploration. It is our nature and obligation. We need to discover, to uncover, and recover. We live creating many moments, to learn that one moment can mean more than many lifetimes. Quantity versus quality. We realize that it is neither this or that. It is both.
Faster, stronger. Higher. Cheaper, faster, better. These nice notions of values and greatness. Ha!!! We are all great. We are all special. We have purpose. We have impact. We think that by taking from others is the way. We pursue to accumulate stuff that we can no longer keep at the end. This strategy to take all that we can without giving all that we can is, well, selfish—and ridiculous. We must be a conduit. A provider. A harnessers. Student/ Teacher. Child/ Caretaker. Boss/ worker. Leader/ Follower.
We are tourist here in this world. Living in body borrowed from the stardust. We are the universe. At times we think we are alone. We’re not. We are housed body and mind. But we will be evicted because this is not ours. We have taken. We will give, too.. We think that the soul is true substance the ultimate influencer of the cerebral cortex and politic body. It may well be. But I suspect there is more.
So I end here knowing there is no end. Learning that the journey is the goal pursued and not the goal in itself. Goals are short list markers of self-created value. So here I will resolute. I will create goals for me to follow. I will manifest what has always been. We are all imperfect perfections. All of us are imbalanced. Our strengths and weaknesses counters others weaknesses and strengths. Our imperfections makes us all perfect. If man create penicillin out of moldy bread, then God can makes us something wonderful. Wait God has. Its all perfect.
So I say. 2010 thank you for everything given. 2011 thank you for everything you will provide. May I do the same to both, Take all that you offer and give everything I have. Big Smile, Thanks for the adventure.