Bucket List
One of my bucket list is to do is visit the Statue of Liberty. Another is to watch the Country Music Award (CMA) Missed watching the CMA Award last night. After the Kanye-Swift excitement, I've grown to be a Taylor Swift fan. Since then I've listened to Country more often than naught. I can say that I love Darius Rucker, Jewel, and Lady Antebellum. Next year, then.
Country Music Awards
Watching Laurence of Arabia again. Seen it before. It’s a heroic true-life story of TE Lawrence, in the during his odyssey in the Middle East. It’s one of my bucket lists, Watch All Academy Award Best Pictures. If you aren’t on www.sharebuckets.com. Consider it. Over 200, lists to do. It’s funny the life we lead and where it takes us. Amazed at the life brought us. This movie seemed to reflect this belief. Not a reader of Power of Intention, but I believe when you Trust in the universe, she will take care of you.
I Love Him
It’s Veterans Day. And I hope the Universe will take care of one I love. Russell is his name. My cousin on my mother’s side. He is a good guy. With a great heart. Went to his wedding a few months back. Married a nice lady, too. He has good friends and people that love him. What more does a person need? Nothing more from what I learned. My brother Kevin is the same. Good man with a great heart.
Middle East Odyssey
On this windy day like this, can’t help think back to all the good people in my life. Can’t help think of the ones not here too like my Cousin Russell. He is in the Army now, stationed in the Middle East having an exciting odyssey, I hope somewhere, like TE Lawrence, the Laurence of Arabia. Been thinking about him on this Veteran’s Day. He gets busy and can’t write a postcard at times. (Hint, Hint) I still love him. Its his Day. Our National Holiday. Its Veteran’s day. A day when in the US, libraries, banks, and government offices are closed in remembrance to those living serving in the military. For many, it is a time where we enjoy the time with family and friends.
A nice lady commented on one of my latest posts, “Freedom is never free”. Honestly thought I wrote something unpatriotic. Thought there was a disagreement. I’m okay with a difference of opinion. However, it was nothing at all. Still, Couldn’t agree more with she wrote. People have fought and died fighting for this luxury we have today. We honor them in Memorial Day. Many still fight and sacrifice today. Today is their day.
Heads Lowered
What luxury one may asks? The right to disagree, the right to have discord. The right to express how one feels. Must admit that there is a lot of media garbage out there. Many talking heads say nothing out there. Beauty is we have a right. A right to not listen. A right to change the channel. Even more so, a right and obligation to turn it off. We vote economically to let some shows go in the way of the Dodo. I am sure many would not like my scribbling. Still, we are given luxuries to watch the Food Channel, UFC, History Channel, Wizards of Waverly Place, Burn Notice. Dances with the Stars, Eeeh, not my cup of tea. But family likes it and that is good enough for me. We are allotted many luxuries--many opportunities--in the US, despite economic woes. We should take time to honor those for these gifts.
During my stint of watching all the Best Pictures, there has been a theme watching these Oscar winners. Several movies are about War. Actually at least a third, maybe half of them, had been about war. All Quiet on the Western Front, Deer Hunter, Best Years of Our Lives, Apocalypse Now, Forest Gump, Hurt Locker, Sound of Music, Gladiator, Mrs. Miniver, Platoon, Patton, Schindler’s List, Gone With the Wind, and many, many more.
Life is Art. Art is Life
Attitudes about fighting have been mixed through the times about wars and the people that fight them. Some movies, i.e., All Quiet on the Western Front commented on the national pride and fervor were sold a bill of goods about the glories and triumphs of war. In some movies, the lives of the warriors were documented post battle. It examined the toll it took on them and their families, e.g., Best Years of Our Lives, Mrs. Miniver, and Deer Hunter. Still other movies, examined some of the psyche of other warriors Hurt Locker and Apocalypse now.
C'est La Vie. C'est La Guerre
All generations has some type of rites of passage. Unfortunately, war is too often this tester of person’s soul. Whether or not you agree with the military policy of government, it is must be remembered that the enforcement of these policies are administered by the ones we love. People have disagreements on whether a country should fight on this side or that. People have disagreements on whether fighting should be done at all. People just have disagreements. C’est la Vie. C’est la Guerre.
When you think of Veteran’s Day today, really think of Veterans Day. Don’t give it a cursory thought as a Day Off Holiday. Think about visiting a National Museum. Think about picking about a movie like the one’s above. Think about writing that letter or postcard to that loved one. Hug your Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin, Husband, Wife, Loved One that serve. Go to a Veterans Day celebration. Really take that time to remember for those that should be Remembered.
Cousin Russell, Be safe and Stay Safe. Cousin Bobby and Randy than you for serving. Dad, Tatay, Uncle Osorio, Uncle Barr, Thank You. Mike Crescitelli, Scott Bucher, Marc Jones, and all those that have I haven’t mentioned in and out of Active Duty. Thank you for paying the Price of Freedom.
Stephanie, you are right. Freedom is Never Free. So today Pay Your Respects. Honor our Veterans by doing something more. What that is, you’ll need to decide. They have paid—AND Are Paying—In blood and sweat for this Freedom we enjoy today.