2015 went by fast. Some dreams died. Maybe dormant would be a better term. Got ghosted. Negative response causing a decrease in activity. Coming to terms with this. Not easy. Maybe will take a sabbatical on this one. Not sure if time will ever be right. Still a disappointment nonetheless. Didn't have guts, maybe? Maybe the vibe was strong in the Dark Side, I dunno.
Seen Force Awakens twice since opening. Would've watched more, but other things.
Other things? Been distant with some fam. Life situation I think has forced an anti-social stance. No one's fault, just trouble brewing among the family lines. It was a divergence. Each following their own road. Not being party to the fray. Letting hurts consume other. Just didn't want to be covered in the prickly blanket.
Winds blowing now. Cold has gripped the home. Thought about the Rose Paraders. Huddled in blankets and sleeping bags. I remember just a few years back being party of that party. Blocking of ruders trying to cut through. People blocking their pass. Angry, pushy ladies demanding acquiescence (if that is a word) and than being shut down like a NFL Lineman. Those closeups with Re and Sham. My favorite chair in that huddled mass. Parade passing by so fast. Good pics. Marching bands and horses prancing.
Don't think I will see the floats this year. Sad, I know. Just the way it is.
Some resolutions were checked. Others still remain undone.
This year I think I'd like to dance more. More joy in the two step. Urban Dance Camp will be a daily. May be a bit ridiculous but I find myself in sync after zumba. I notice the elders in class. Not so Hoppity. I see that look and bit desperation. Fighting for space. Moving to side of class. Don't feel comfortable up front. Might try it again. Will see.
Attended a few weddings and graduation this last year. Enjoyed football season. Drove to San Jose and San Fran. Diego and the Strip. Not as many pictures and albums posted this year. Not so many posts too. Fell behind in my journals too. Still. . .
16--A new Presidential election. Think I'd like to participate in this one. Feeling there is a polarization and being on the sideline is not course I will take on this one. Going to make more room for my heart Methinks. Going to close my eyes and take a Good Breath. Going to walk more. Play more. Let stress wash over me. Will work on resolutions. Will pray more and eat less. Less TV. There's more I am sure. But I will leave that for another website.
Time to add some pics and say, "Love, Hope, and Faith" This will be my mantra.