Lights out. TV is on mute. Tomorrow is a little more than half an hour from now. Winds blowing and the sounds of the leaves bustling through the wind sounds like waves crashing on the beach. Rained a bit early, early morning.
Change is brewing on this May evening. Snow covers the mountain toward the south. A news segment stated Big Bear had snow. Winter weather drive some of this Spring away. What's the latest? Nothing I am ready to report. Just trying to find balance with all the goings on.
Clippers manhandled the Rockets today. Chicago won a close one against LeBron and the Cavs. Ducks played to day but not sure of the score. NFL draft concluded a few days back. Josh Shaw got picked up by the Bengals. Precie got the full ride. Beber is going to Nevada. Ron Mitchell is getting married at the end of the month. Precie will be graduating soon. She's also going on trip to Iowa for nationals. NIT. She is the state champion on uneven bars. Lynn won Sophomore President.Ran unopposed. Nanay's still walking and I haven't gymed it in a couple weeks. Knees been swelling up. Aunty Dely had her birthday a few days back and today was Uncle Alex's Bday.Been instagramming too much these last few days. Talked with Em last week. When the Avengers 2 came out. Jaron had a birthday party and Manny lost to Mayweather.
Season drawing to an end for the NBA. I'm projecting its the Clips v Bulls for the Championship. What is more to say. Haven't made a dent on some of bucket lists. Garage still needs some Spring Cleaning. Car, too. Finished my reading Challenge. 215 books completed before the end of the year. Might shoot for 365. Still brewing this over.Drawings still needs some work. Writing and Timelining are still on the agenda.
Looks like football practice is starting again. Wonder how this year will play out. Its football weather right now. Precie's leaving for school soon. Would like to set up some care package. Got on 365 today. Started that. Finishing up April. Still need March and May. Jalen and Mikayla are in Vegas. Jiujitsu I assume. Not sure what the story is with Ron, Sham, and Germaine. Sleeping at Ron's Sham got hired at the Golden Arches. Uncle Alex and Aunty Norma did a roadie to Fresno. One of our relatives passed. That day there was a viewing before his body was to be shipped to the PI.
California is going through the fourth year of a drought. Election is next year. Russia is flexing its presence in the Ukraine. Star Wars will be out this coming Christmas. Marvel movies are coming down the pipe. Lakers had a troubling year. Still no Dodgers on TV. What else to say for the first third of this year?
I am going to leave here for now. More posts will be coming down the pipeline.