Beautiful day this was. Nice summer night. Music in the air. A couple with their dogs take a relaxing break here at the Its Grind promenade. Wind is blowing and the car races by.
Today was a good day. Went to church and had taquitos and nachos. Prayed for M, Mom and the family. Thanked the Big Smile and wondered if the priest's hand has healed. He hurt it playing ball. He said, Go Hard or Don't Go At All. Got the Valley Press Sunday paper and a snicker at Acton. Stopped on the 14 South and took a panorama of Vasquez.
Went off track and found myself at the Japanese Gardens. Was only going to be a 15 minute hit and run turned into an hour plus. Visited Tatay and Rochelle at their house. Put some flowers on their place. Rochelle’s birthday soon, this Friday. Ate some alligator and jambalaya at the Farmers Market. Fresh Lemonade ice nice.
Met the Travel Angel. Lost my camera. Found my camera because a nice lady watching a couple of kids was great. (Who says prayers aren’t answered?) Hung out with Jason got a some vids, a couple of new releases and a classic, on the flash drive. Shot the shit. Now have a new game plan when doing a road trip. Watching Man vs Food is now SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) before heading on drive.
Talked with Mikayla on how fast she was at Jalen's party last week. All I said was she was a blur. Asked if she was the fastest in her school. She said, "No." She thought this guy cheated on a jogathon. I believe her. She is a smart one. I am lucky that I am related. Kissed Aunty Ellen and air kissed Mikayla goodbye. She’s too cool for this uncle. Can’t blame her. I was the same way. Still am.