Baring Witness
Spoke at his funeral. I remember crying, standing alone. In front of family, friends, complete strangers. No podium to hold on to. No lectern to hide with. Just there to be bare. To be witness. For me to be judged. To be open. To be raw. Sharing feelings, body and soul. To be naked to my pain, to my loss, to my hurt. I am a guarded man. Showing emotions is foreign. I don't like to be so out there.
Lesson Learned: Openness
I have learned that it is not the way. Not all the time. Being a closed loop has drawbacks. Sure, it is good to recoup and heal; however, one can not be open to others. Open for opportunities. Open for love. Open to let others in. To share. We are connected. We need each other. No man is an island. We are all part of a greater good. Some bigger plan. Something larger.
Seeing Marv. His plaque. A lifetime here. Heroes all these fallen soldiers. So many lifetimes. Battles fought. Battles lost. Battles won. Childhoods, weddings, marriages, parenthood. Dreams realized. Dreams lost. Being in such hollowed grounds never was never so hollowed until yesterday. My visit opened my eyes. Before, it was green lawns. Fountains. Ducks. It was a place where people were buried. Nothing more. Yet, yesterday I learned it was so much more. Lifetimes. Lifetimes. Lifetimes. So much in so little place. Heroes all of them. Each battling their war. Our wars. Their personal battles. Each winning peace. Each winning the meaning of it all.
Death is a Transition
A change of state. Nothing ever dies. Its just going somewhere. Returning back to its primordial state. We are all stardust. Nuclear waste as someone would say. Don't like that word waste. Nothing is ever not used. The calcium in our bones. The potassium in our blood. Na+/ K exchange pumps firing electrical impulses. It sends us messages to our brain. It is our experiences in these synaptic firing. It sends out messages to our body. Our actions. Our thoughts. It causes us to speed up or slow down. Contract. Relax. It holds our memory. Brain is just an organ. Yet we are more. We are brain. We are organs. We are a Shell and everything inside. We are our mind. We are our soul. We are everything outside. We are our everything.
We are a gift. Life is a gift. To be lived. To be loved. To create memories. To develop beauty.
Proof of GOD
Watched a video last night. It was YouTube video proving the existence of God. A teacher is proving to his class that of grade schoolers that God is evil. He postulates. God is evil. God created everything. Go created goodness, true. God created Animals. Plants. Everything. True. He also created Evil since is its part of everything. God in turn is evil. A young retorts. God does exist. There exist Cold. True. Professor answers yes there is Cold. Child corrects his teacher and says, False. Cold is the absence of Heat. Child asks another question to his teacher. Is there Darkness? Teacher says yes, there is darkness. Child corrects his teacher again. False. it has been explained that Darkness does not exist. He said physicists defined darkness as the absence of light. He said Evil does not exist. It just the absence of God. Without God in our hearts, Evil exist. This young man was Albert Einstein.
I don't know if this logic game proves God or not. I believe God exist. I believe there is a higher. I believe that we should open ourselves. Open to let the love in. Open to the higher purpose. Open to the everything. Synchronicity. Serendipity. Possibility.
An Apple Am I
Being a strong ndividually is important. It is nice. Being part of a strong collective is also important. It is also nice. Much is gained by letting people in, letting the love in. Let people in your heart. Without Marv, without Tammy, I would never be me. Absence of family, absence friends, I would be cold. I would be dark. I would be absent. They are my light. They are my heat. They are my love. They are the Apple that I take a bite from. They feed my body. They feed my soul. They are part of me, forever. They are me. Marv, thank you for being my apple