A quite hum of the vending machines keeps me calm. Sitting here in the darkened room waiting for the time to go by. Wondering where I should go now. So much to see so much to do. Ready myself for tomorrow’s adventure or should I lose myself in another’s story. The pool is calling. Ready for me to keep her company. Been with her much these last few days. 50 here and 50 there. Makes me wonder why I don’t visit her more. Recumbent is calling, too. Friend requests on Nikeplus also beckons. Been too long since I won an event. Getting that Jpeg trophy is something I have not seen for some time. 24 hours is also calling. Yesterday, I was with her. My chest is still sore this morning. Four sets of Hammer Strength incline, decline, cable pulley, lat pull downs. Maybe I should go to Regional and see if I have any late fees for overdues. Cinemark has its latest editions, but none seem to interesting.
Or I can do what I am doing now. Putting thought to electrons hoping this stream of consciousness will manifest into something wonderful.
The cafeteria workers talk of the Alfalfa Fair tonight. ZZ Top, Weird Al Yankovich, Ted Nugent, and the Beach Boys are playing. Never saw a bull riding contest. This sounds interesting. Yet, on the Showcase it talks about the standing attraction around Southern California interests me, too. I’d like to see where Darla and Alfala from the Little Rascals are buried. I’d like to see Cydney Robinson performing at the . . .something. Also, liked to Venture to Ventura and Santa Barbara to see the California Missions.
So much to do? Yet, I am a statue, motionless. Listening to cafeteria ready itself for the dinner rounds. This place of indecision is the fork in the road for my life for tomorrow. Could always turn this way and that. Not sure where the Big Smile will need me. Moments are readying itself for something Grand, something special. Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you chose a different path, gone a different directions, made other choices? Don’t think about too much, but this pause gives me time to reflect on where tomorrow will have me.
Think of those times, having a sit down with that nice coffee. Wondering if you should approach that nice girl with the pretty smile. You wonder if you should ask the stranger what he thinks of the book he is reading. You wonder if you should go it alone or with others. All these every day decisions make the life we choose. Wondering . . .Just wondering.
Looks my decisions has been made. I am trapped. Held hostage by a root beer float brigade. Sitting at the back table of the cafeteria and I am stuck. For some reason, they decided to have their ice cream celebration right in front of me. Two giant buckets of Vanilla ice cream and 10 bottles of AW. They parked their carts in front of me and the line is forming quickly behind them. These cowboy hatted ladies have held me hostage.
Can’t move so here I sit waiting for all the units at the hospital get served root beer floats. ICU, CCU, ER, OR, Cafeteria, Pharmacy, IT, Pathology, Medical Records, Lab, Volunteers, Nursing Admin, and so much more.
Its funny how when we ask the universe for help, she gives us what we need. It is truly to ridiculous to believe to think we really have control of anything. In a second, typing a way wondering what the next course of action would than all of sudden you are trapped by cowboy inspired crew hell bent in making people smile with their calorie-heavy root beer concoctions. Could be worse like a car accident or a diagnosis of CHF. C’est la vie.
Well, I misspoke. What we have control is how we decide to look at our situation. In other words, our attitudes. Writing this blog has been a challenge. Haven’t written everyday as I would have liked. Haven’t done many things I had goal-ed for. However, its been fun nonetheless.
Looking back at the sights I’ve seen makes me realize that there are miracles everywhere. In every moment, in every place, in every everything. This year, I’ve taken to my digital camera and find myself amazed how things change. I am amazed how many things remain the same. Its hard at times falling in and out of habits of importance. We need to be reminded to take a moment. Take that picture. To be where you are.
Right now, a root beer float has been handed to me so I must enjoy. If I don't enjoy it now I would have missed my chance to take that bite out of my quickly melting float. Pool and gym to follow.