Winds blowing again today. Not the sea crashes of last night, but a gentle breeze. More like a cool kiss on a summer lake. Finding that place between change and stillness. A soft yielding to the generous eventuality. Like when one grows old. Not an abrupt transformation, but Time's reminder to get going with what needs to get to get done. Can't stay where you are. Others behind need their turn. Whispers of the eventuality kneading one forward. Realizing our output is not where it once was. The vehicle we drive is no longer top of the line. We pretend that its good enough. Knowing deep, deep, deep inside that place that change is closer than we think. This quiet denial. . .Its a protest. Not an angry one, but there nonetheless. Hearing the sinew of our muscles cough. We slowly listen to that protest that say, "Check Engine is On"
Our time machine is taking us on an adventure. This portion of our trip is a few stops from our next adventure. Winds are not the tornado ready to uproot all that we know. Its. . .Its. . .Its almost time to go back Home. Going back to share with what we learned. Review with messengers on our shoulder what they recorded. We are closer to the back end than the beginning. Paid the price. Some parts smarting. Others well worth the Investment. Others--Glad we are going downhill than racing upward. Cruising on neutral letting the forces at play take us on our way.