Saturday, June 15, 2013

Come Back as a Banana Slug

Sport Center--NBA Finals. Heat and Spurs are in 2-2 tie. One time this competition was important. Now, I root for Duncan and Against Miami. I like the idea of Spoelstra winning. Just wish it was for the Lakers or Clippers. Not so much a Le Bron Fan. Not sold on Dwight Howard either. However, if LeBron or Howard stayed, my interest would be piqued. Not the devotion that Magic-lead Lakers or Kobe-bedazzling teams inspired. There was a story, a drama when these teams won. It seemed to be so much more.

Funny, I am rooting for a Jersey. Essentially, this what it is. Purple and Gold. With the Clippers, that is Red White and Blue. Its funny, how we can project energies to certain things. When I see the Clipper fan paints his car in Clipper colors because  he loves them, I used to get uneasy. Why? At Clipper games I would hear him lead cheers from his seat that would pump up the crowd. 

Been to Hockey games where the fans would paint their bodies in team colors. Been to football games where kids would hold signs and paint their faces in school colors. I was never a big Band guy, but when I hear the band play songs to rile up the crowd. There is some thing to it.

I appreciate this more. People getting fanatical. Passionate. Hyped up. 

If we lived our lives this with way, would it be better? Slow and steady is nice.

But the Fire, the Passion, its more Fun. The roller coaster ride of having the team fall and rise again.

Ever wonder about Life and what happens when we pass? Not anymore for me. The concept of Heaven and Angels is a recent understanding and acceptance personally. However, the concept of reincarnation seemed the most logical. Refer to Big Bang Theory Karma episode. Come Back as a Banana Slug 

Concept started with Dr Fate at Golden Apple in downtown Boston for me. Why would people choose the life they are in? What options would avail? Based on what was done before, what options would be offered? Wrote a story awhile about how person got his/her name. Its not on this blog anymore. So don't try. Anyways, in one religious belief system it said we chose our parents. We decide what kind of life we want. Not entirely sold on this, but the concept well not too far fetched. There are some that would question some evils in the world. Won't discuss that one yet. Another post, perhaps?

We like Drama. Being all good is not easy. No one is perfect. One that was, well, he got crucified. I'm sure there have been many people that have showed excellence throughout history. Maybe they are Saints or Bodhisattvas?  Having it perfect world, a Garden of Eden. What happened? Got the boot. Snakes fault? Eve's Fault? Adam's  Fault? Perhaps there excessive amount of Entropy? What if the system is designed this way?

What seems clear is the people want a story. People want drama. People want excitement. It is said, Money won is better than Money earned. This story of rise and fall is one ingrained in all of us. All cultures have these stories.

Back to the Jersey thing. When we realize that Jersey is nice, but is not the end all be all. There is more. In the NBA competition, there is a winner and a loser. The word "competition" means   To strive against another or others to attain a goal, such as an advantage or a victory. However, more research the word competition comes from Late Latin competere to strive together, from Latin: to meet, come together, agree, from com- together + petere to seek."

Perhaps the reason we like the competition like an NBA Finals is because it is one way for us to come together. To strive together. To Connect. Perhaps this why we like the drama.  Because through our lives striving for individual needs, we come together--Connected--because that what we all seek.