Different time. Different hopes. Used to go out in desert, amongst the tumbleweed and Joshua trees. Creating forts from loose building supplies in the ever expanding housing tract.Using PVC and leftover wrought iron. Cinder blocks and discarded sofas illegally dumped from the night. I cringe at the idea now these days at what mites and gobbledygook lay encrusted on those sofa pillows.
Maybe its better I don't.Don't want to reminisce too heartily. During my day, there was 3 billion people in the world. Now its more than double that. Trash float in garbage islands in the sea. The State of my birth is experiencing a severe drought. Cold War with Russia fueled movies like Red Dawn and Rambo. Couple years there will be another presidential election and the direction of the country will change. Change as has it always been. Ineffective lawmakers and bewildering justices interpreting the rule of law in the land.
Today, Sony pictures decided to pull an offbeat movie called the Interview. In fears of Terrorist reprisal, the mega movie company bows under the pressure. Maybe its fearful of the damages that might occur. Perhaps there wasn't enough profit to be made. Calls of cowardice rings in the air. Media is trying to spin the story. Its a let down. Not enough Y Chromosome methinks. Standing up to bullies is the way to stop bullying. This lack of backbone invites others to pile on.

So maybe it quixotic to think times we're better then than what it is today. I don't know. Maybe its time to just decide to do better. So I will breathe and take in the moment. Cuba and US are beginning steps to normalize relationships. Spoke to retired military guy last night about it. He's from the old school when Cuba was a thing. This embargo has been going on for fifty plus years. Fidel isn't dead. Our island neighbor is reportedly poorest of poor. How can long can we hold on to this status quo? Heard this is a slap in the face to the Father of Cuban descent on the radio. I mean do we hold on to the anger and hate. Wait until the Castro dies. I don't know. Just seems after fifty years, half a century. Holding to that way of life just doesn't seem effective. I know Anger fuels people. Still?
So I write and document my thoughts and Hope that life gets better. Hope that first step isn't the last step. Hope that kids playing in the street is better than those getting kidnapped and dying in the streets. Hope that biggest concern the children today is not whether they will have something to eat or place to sleep. Hope is what can kids playing soccer in the streets and building forts in mindecraft do better tomorrow than what we are doing today.