Been tearing it away on my Iphone. Using the YouVersion app. Very impressed with. I like the note taking. The various plans. the different versions.
Reading these holy texts is something I've been wanting to do. Just have not put in the time. When I hear of these people quoting the Bible I always wondered. Had a few discussions with Jehovah Witnesses. Also some Mormons. Just seemed a bit un-arming.
I mean its like having a discussion with Nobel Winning Biologist and not understanding some basic concepts like Mitosis or Taxonomy.
The knowledge is right at your fingertips. Just got to choose to learn it. With the data at our hands, why is that most people are concerned with some reality show or sport events or political talking heads.
We choose what we want in our lives. I got this fortune cookie once and what it said seemed most profound. Normally, I take the stuff from horoscope and fortune cookies with obvious skepticism.
If you believe you will do good, then the forces will make this happen. I mean study more, exercise better, eat healthier. If one believes they are going to fail, then it is almost a certainty. Makes you wonder about these Doomsday Preppers?
Guess, this something I have been wanting for awhile. No, not the Doomsday. Just a better understanding of the Big Smile. These books are nice and stories are great; however, there is a path that is in place. We are destined for challenges. Challenges that will answers questions we have had all of our lives.
Just got to Jump.