"Just flew by," Roberta said. That phone call in Victorville. That hole in the wall. She left and I wasn't ready to follow. The two came by my work and like that it has been two decades. So many chances to make the course corrections. Still, the dye was cast and life happened.
Much has happened since that moment. It all matters little because my vision is tunneled. No time to wallow. No need to either. That part has passed and the endless joys and pain, well, its run its course. Moments are gone. Twenty one years of them. A blank page is tomorrow. A life has been lived with more to come. I am on the next incarnation of me. She is on her new journey. Maybe will connect? Maybe we won't? Not sure.
Two decades flew and many unforeseen events have happened. So I will pray for her well being. I will have her in my thoughts. I will pray that happenstance connects us.
Big Smile, please allow her an incredible day. Please allow her an incredible life filled with joy and adventure. Please help her find her place in the Circle. HBD, Em.