My head was marked with ashes this morning. From dust we came, from dust we return. Not sure of the significance with the Palm leaves, but I will leave for you to discover. Another time. Got up at five this morning to go to early Mass. I was surprised at the turn out. Would have taken pictures, but that would have been too awkward. Still, it was nice to see I wasn't the only one there.
Night before Precie asked me to get some ashes for Lent. She doesn't go to church so I thought this was a big deal for her to ask. Moreover, didn't know she knew when Lent was. Being her Godfather, I would of course get it for her. Last couple years it has not been a problem. However, this morning it was. Kind upset that the person said, "No" when I asked for ashes for Precie. I knew he was lying when he said there was none to give. He said she can attend to the other Mass services in the day. Since she has school and practice until late, it is unlikely she would go. Truly, Sam was an Ass.
Really wanted to erupt. I let it go and I asked a family friend to get me some. She helps regularly with the service. She was going to ask Sam, the person that said, "No" earlier, I was in a hurry and wanted to yell at the guy. However, the Angel tapped my shoulder. Still pissed I looked up in You Version, the IPhone Bible app what would be an appropriate quote if the person said, "No" again.
I forgot the most basic rule. It was my fault. All these colored lights and it phased me. Didn't see the forest because of the trees. First mistake, just didn't connect with the person. I didn't apply. WIIFM. Simply means What Is It For Me, this is a cardinal rule. Give the person value, show he has worth. There was some preconceptions I had of Sam. He always looks incredibly serious. Hardly ever smiles. Just get no color from him. He seems muted. I get a reformed gang member/ ex con vibe. However, so I pondered how to adjust my behavior for the next encounter later in the day. Had it in my heart, Going to get Precie some Divine dust.
One rule for sales, go for at least seven No's. First no, that is simply warm up. Got to drop subtle hints. Get the person acclimated to say, Yes. Little things one picks up through the years. He will break before I will. Big Smile's on my side on this one. Its Lent.
Still, I had to keep in my heart, Luke 11:9. "and I say unto you, Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you." This was the nice way and I hoped not go here, but I gots my Luke 11:11 down, too. If this guy was going asshole mode, it was "If a son ask bread of any of you that is a father will he give him a stone? Or if he ask for a fish give him a serpent?"
What happened between the morning session and the afternoon, I had a conversation Joyce, We talked and she reminded that we just got a give people a chance to come correct. Maybe they had a bad moment. Perhaps, their default software is to be angry they may not realize they are being a dick Maybe it was my tone or maybe I was being a horse's ass. We talked for a bit and it made me realize that I knew how to resolve situations. Admittedly, I was a bit awestruck by the behavior, it threw me off my game. Its okay to fall, just got to get back up. People make mistakes and giving a person another chance, well, that is what forgiveness is about. Can't look at the proverbial gift horse in the mouth. There is always more to it.
Not sure about the forgive and forget as tried and true maxim. However, this Forgiving, at times, it simply more your sake than theirs. The other person's anger and attitude is not something one needs to take ownership. Its their stuff and they need to work it out. Can't let it mess with my attitude. At times, it may your duty to let them know their attitude needs to be adjusted. However, take caution with this. Knowing when and where to put a person in check is skill that takes some mastering. It is a ride that we need to enjoy,
Now that is off my chest. I will be reflect and have Sam in my prayers. Sorry, longer than originally planned.