Sunday and it’s a quarter til seven. Been a busy and filling day. I’m at Vista Point again. It’s getting dark. Cars are racing past again. Waiting for the sunset to come down. Going to say my prayers and thank the Big smile for letting me enjoy this day as I have. Been all around and it filled my day, but I sense there is something missing.
Listening to the Corrs on my way up and down today. It’s been good day, but. . .
Events of the day. Went to Sunday Mass. The Father giving the Mass had the shakes. At one time, I thought he fell asleep. It was a bit hard to hear at times. He was soft-spoken or had the mic a little too far from his mouth. Picked the missal and read some of the songs and prayers. Think I figured out the Reiki Guide thing. It was Gabriel. He’s an Angel prominent in both Islam and Christianity. Left after the wine and bread thing. I am not sure what you call it.
After taking some pics, headed down to LA. Wanted to see part of the LA Marathon. It was kind of cool walking on Highland. All the streets were blocked off so I had free roam. Walking in the middle of the streets taking pictures here and there. Would never be able to do this at any other time of the day or any time of the year. Reminded me when my Integra stalled on the 170 and I had to get pushed by police car. They stopped the freeway for me during prime time rush hour. It sounded like the ocean stopped. It was so quiet. The silence was deafening.
Took pictures of the Church on Highland. Got the Lucky Strike. Also, took a few up and down Hollywood Blvd. Finally got some pictures of the Ripley’s Believe Or Not Dinosaur. Also took a few in the Egyptian and Mann’s Chines. Watched the water dance and took some pics of Elephants in the sky.
Called Jay to see if he was up for a bite, but he had a study date with a femme. Asked if Bri, Mike and the kids were at the house. They were. However, that voice that listen at times said the Beach and that where I went.
Got on Highland after picking up a sub. Almost got rear-ended by a guy in a truck. Didn’t speed up because he was honking his horn at me. Well, when you do that you are inviting me to be an asshole. I did not speed up as I was going to so, I just kept it at the other cars pace. Truck driver got pissed. Didn’t care. So he got in front of me and decided to slow down. I just smiled and let it go.
Well, off the 170 and got on the Ventura West. Thought of the many times of the Warner Center and LA Fitness. Thought about stopping by Fryes and taking some pics on the way back. Anyways, Got off Malibu Canyon and I was stopping off at most of the viewing stops and took the obligatory pictures.
All of sudden I found myself at the Hindu temple. Made a quick left and went in. You had to take of your shoes and which I was much obliged. So I wandered around took some pictures of the temple. Beautiful artwork. There was saint or some religious figure in all corners of the temple. At times, people would go to each corner and I assume say a prayer. I wondered if they prayed on Sundays like Christians. Guess, I will have to look that up. There was a service and I walked in. No chairs. The holy man was chanting and people were sitting barefooted and socked. Incense was burning.
There was a sign saying, “No Photos or Videos.” Thought this was strange. I’m curious to visit other temples. Synagogue and Muslim temple are next on the list.
I finally got to the Beach. Zuma that is. Its been some time. Thought about Brad and Shelly. Brad and I would take a trip here and there. I wondered how he was doing. I remember that Valentines when Shelly locked the key in the car. I was freezing because I had shorts. She got dressed before locking the keys in the car. My luck. Took more pictures of surfers and families enjoying the day. I download my Marathon and Hollywood walk pictures. Sorted out some postcards. I was going to write Shazam and Laines, but it started getting cold and I wanted to head back.
Stopped here at the 15 minutes park stops and took more photos of the Malibu Canyons. Driving through the Canyons I passed the Calabasas sign. Prece’s coach is moving here in a couple of years. Offered to move down here so Prece can train with her coach here. Another time. Another story. Eventually got on Ventura East. Driving past Topanga, Tarzana and Encino. I saw a sign for historical site at Encino. Never found it. Got on Ventura Blvd and said, its time to get back.
Probably Armenians. They had the nice bows. Compound, camouflage. I could tell they were from the old school. Just the air about them. One of them let loose one by accident and took off. The older one scolded they younger. All I could hear was “. . .Safety. . .” Every so often, they would say, “Clear” and retrieve their arrows. Reminded me of pool. It’s good form not to Shark a shooter.
Well, I left after taking some pictures of the Archer shooting at the haystack. Passed the Cricket match and took a photo of the Sepulveda rock sign. Kids were all around. Kind of nice. Used to work in the area and I never took the time to drive by. Got on the freeway by getting on Roscoes. Passed my Tommies and the Budweiser Brewery. Got 405 and headed north. Took the Soledad Canyon offramp and pledged that I would go see the CatHouse.
Here I be now on Vista Point. Its dark and the sun has set. Got 30 minutes to do a couple of miles of cardio. Have to get home soon to tape Life on Discovery. Maybe I can catch the Laker game too. Be well and Have Faith. No moral. No thought exercise. No meaning, except what you give it. It’s just a day in this journey.