Driving on the 5, I would always see the Mission Hills off ramp. Not since, my journey of Faith, did I notice so many things of religion. I want to see the Mission of San Fernando. Now, I want to see and explore. Getty, for instance, I need to go there. Sand Canyon Park. I got to go again. Zuma Beach, its been too long. Where have you been wanting to go, but simply haven't taken the time to just do that? Devil's Punch Bowl is another. Grand Canyon. Manns Chinese Theater and the foot imprints. So many spectacular sites to see.

We assume that our superego, our angel, is the right voice over all others. This is the ideal. Its society saying this is expected. This must be done. I don't necessarily agree. At times, gripping it and ripping is the best course of action. Your id is part of the collective. Your voice needs to be heard.
My Friend was of that ilk. A good person. Yet, he never got the girl. Always the good friend, a shoulder for girl best friend. The consumate good guy, Always seemed to be warming up these girls for others that were a little more bad boyish. Nothing is wrong with that, its just. . .Well, I am done. You get the idea. Sometimes being a little Bad is good.
If that voice calls to stop by and go looking at something, submit. Just take minute. Quench that desire and move on. What are you so in hurry that you can not stop and listen to that inner voice? Sometimes you will be amazed.