Whatever, it is. It’s there.
My heart is buried under this heavy, smelly field.
Tried going to the gym. Hid in some movie classics. Visited the beach, but it’s been looming. A dark, grey cold front has come and I can’t get away. Choppy waves crash the beach. Sapping, pulling my energies. I ebb. Push this way and that. I know my heart feels heavy, buried. An analogy gone bad. Stopping at the vista, taking a view, and feeling disappointed. Brightness gone. Feeling a bit muddy. Dragging here. Each step getting harder to take.
Low blood sugar, I doubt. Change in dosage of medication. Maybe too much exercise and not enough results. No sleep. The mid morning Zonk. Hope whatever is causing this comes to light. Need to be disinfected. My energy is waning. Need my Flow. Am I looking at the Nadir?
I know this one of those times we go through. We suffer a backslide. Made some progress and through a series of should haves, could haves, and laters we find ourselves troubled. . .again. Not immune to the workings of others stuff and the Big Smiles challenges. We are a mixture of black and white. . .good and bad. . .Yin and Yang.
We go through times where we look ourselves and decide. Hold on? Let go? Move on. Be Unmoved. We are the mighty Redwoods that are marveled by their perseverance. We are the reeds that bends with the wind. We are all things and no things. A crimson and clover.
Hard looks we must face. An honesty that cuts. Darkness that hovers. Blocks out all. It holds in an uncomfortable hug.
There are streaks of light passing through the cloud cover. They are my family. They are my friends. Present and past. They are the heroes of Marvel and DC. They are Aesop’s Fables and Sun Tzu’s sayings. Miyamoto, Machiavelli, and Moses. Can’t see them yet. But I know they are there. Seen them before. Their deeds , their words, their memories—They last. They inspire. They sustain when all is dark. A caterpillar in a cocoon. A phoenix in the pyre. In the Between.
Buried, covered by manure. Encapsulated in this shell, this seed. Thunder roars. I feel the rains above. It feels dark because it is dark. Sun is out there. The voices of praise and joy are out there. Above. Around. Always around. It feels in the dark searching for seeds to inspire. A call is made. A call that yearns to be answered. Buried. There is the Light and I am drawn. We are all drawn. We can hide in the shell. Some need more time than others. Something grows. It reaches. It searches for what is missed. I feel the clouds, the forecast.
I say, “This too shall pass.” Convictions needs building. It needs flowering. It needs to be talked to, listened. Resolve needs to be watered. It needs to be allowed to grow. I say we need these times to go through this. I hear Neitzche.
This seed I am. With potential encased and unbound. Hungry and unsatiated. I need this to grow. Chemical messengers sent. I act without knowing. Predetermined, predestined, the fate has been written. Do I choose to follow or do I turn my back. In the life review, I can smile at the effort and intentions put in.
We are seeds in a garden programmed to build sand castles in the sky.
If we can only remember our future. . .sooner. Before we are journey again.