Warm night. No air is circulating. There is a heaviness and my ears still ring. Swam again and I got swimmer's ear again. What was significant today? Heat won again in a close one. Second NBA Championship in a row. Would have liked to have seen the Spurs take it. Down Jones dropped a big one today. Almost 400 points. Heard it was because of China and something about lowered production. It may because there is a tapering of US Bond buy backs. Very Atlas Shrugged moment. Unemployment up and Corporations are tightening their belts. Elected leaders are using the taxes for gambling habits.
Read the other day that Courts have ordered a lady that falsely accused a high school football player of rape to payback her settlement. Guy has been imprisoned for five years because this lady lied. Now what can this guy do to get those years back?
Anyways, needed to air out this neg energies. Not my stuff, but this goes Contagion on a person psyche. Best to shake all that junk out. It is like lactic acid sticking on muscle cells.
Worked out quads today. I hardly ever do them. Decided to change the routine and shock the body. Body was not pleased. Had to use the massager. I call her Thumper. Needed to work on the fascia and get out that lactic acid.
Wonder if this happens spiritually? We pick up these neg energy and our chakras get plugged. Those vortexes get gummed up with all this bad vibrations and like an engine needing an oil change perhaps this what happens to us. Get in these bad patterns. Our tolerance for what is acceptable escalates so much that we forget that there is point when enough is enough.
I'm thinking Feng Sui. Certain do's and don't are prescribed to get that energy flowing. Like nothing under the bed. it is like atherosclerosis. All this LDL--"bad cholesterol" gums up the tubes. In turn, all these RBCs carrying our O2 in and COs out can't do their job. There is a bottle neck and the Meridians and dantians gots a good old traffic jam. If you ever been on the 405 on the way to LA on a Monday, this is what must be going on when we don't this Flow go.
Body, like our timelines, adjusts to these maladies. Think stroke volume. Stroke volume essentially is the amount of blood squeezed out of the left ventricle to the body times the Heart Rate. If the heart ain't strong, it needs to speed up the heart beats. If the heart strong, this means more blood is squeezed more out to the body per pump. Consequently, heart doesn't need beat so much. Less engine work, less engine wear.

Trouble we get cluttered with junk we create and garbage other's leave at out door step. Sometimes we accept some stuff and this is noble. In spirit of Ayn Rand, the individual need be slaved to carry other happiness. We can only carry so much before our body, our Chi says okay. We need to shrug some of this yuck out. If we don't our body just halts. (This is all speculation and this could be an incident about a little knowledge being a bad thing.) Anyways, I don't believe the Universe or the Big Smile wants to see us blocked. My guess if this goes too long, there may be an universal intervention or an Atlas shrugging. Gots to get our attention to re-evaluate. Gives us a, "Hey Dummy, your messing with the Flow. Fix it."

It seems advantageous to have those good HDL is in our lives to bring all the good vibes in. More good stuff, the body will adjust by increasing the number of arteries. Think, adding more lanes to 405. More cars, more lanes, more good Karma. Don't think anyone wants a to go Dr. Drew and have cosmic intervention.
So here we are at. A decision point. A time to keep doing the same thing. Or time to do some thing different. Well, as Ben Kingley said in "Searching for Bobby Fischer." Don't move until you are ready.