Friday, June 21, 2013


Grasshoppers are chirping. Streets are quiet. Temperature is hot on this desert night. Little before midnight and the days activities wind down. Summer Solstice tomorrow. Day After the Moon will be at its closest. It is said that it will be 12% larger than normal. I can imagine it would be mighty glorious.

Saw this movie. Joe vs the Volcano. Floating atop these incredible travel cases, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are watching the moon rise on the moonset. (sunset at night) At the mercy of the sea, these two wayward lovers are just a tiny speck of the universe. Dust on the cosmic scale.Still, feeling this insignificance yet buoyed by this glorious sight. There is knowing that one is not alone because the beautiful sight in front of them speak to them. The message is this. Your are not alone. You are important and though time will erase whatever memories that are made. It will not erase the importance of right now.

In the silence, there is still sound. A chorus if I may. It is something glorious. Grasshoppers are singing for the mate. The heat warms the night reminding one that there is an energy. In the desert, there is a spartan way. All the insignificant minutia is burned away. Taken back. Skin is weathered under the sun. Air is crisp. When we remember there is a pool outside, the place to cool oneself. Water warmed by the day's rays. Just a simple task of opening the door and taking a plunge.

Full moon tomorrow should make it a magic show under water. Lights cascading. Waters soothing under this desert temperature. For now, I will listen to concert of the night and imagine wonderful things dancing.

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