Our lives are this way. We have these magnificent moments that changes. We don't know when they will come, but they do. Perhaps it is a change of thinking, that cause us to imagine something better, something wonderful, something that brings joy. Perhaps it is a change of lanes that alters our course for the rest of our skein. Missing a moment and our lives are altered for something. . .different.
Lately there has been discussion of alternate realities. There have been shows on parallel universe. If you are former comic hack, then you would be familiar with these "What if?" universes. What if you studied harder and forgone that late night out? What if you didn't kiss her? What if you gone another way? It is nice to consider possibilities, but there comes a point to make a decision that needs to be made. Too often we are caught analysis paralysis. Not sure where I heard this term, but it makes sense. Spending all this time on the cuff--always researching--always gathering data--always doing all things, but not doing the most important one. Deciding.
Like the battery on this laptop, the energies are waning. Before too long, it will not matter what decision is made. There will not be enough juice to make what of it. It is June 23, 2013. Seven more days and this year will be half way over.
We are always on our way. Going from place in our lives to another. We are blessed with companions that will journey with us. We are blessed that we leave those places that have met its function. We are blessed with vision of something better just over that hill. A little more trudging and all of our dreams will be realized.
We get these moments to see a Supermoon just right out our window. To be close to these cosmic miracles, it is a real shame that they are missed. a choice to get up and see the Challenger land. A choice to give it one more try. A choice to being there despite the raging anger. Wish things were different. Yet worrying about a parallel universe is something nice, but not real in this universe.
So if you find yourself, wondering about what could have been? Think about what just outside you door. Take a moment and enjoy that super moon. Enjoy the cosmic moment that the Big Smile has provided. So tonight, I will enjoy a sit with the giant moon. If you are reading this, join me from where you are at. Look up in the sky and let those would've, could've, and should'ves. Leave them and seek the glorious events in front of your face right now. Reality there are miracles in front of your face everyday. It is the challenge I put to you. Drop your issues and concern yourself with what is important right now. Just let breathe in and let your smile out. Let live and let go.
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