Things have been. . .Gremlins have been having a go today. It is what it is and I will just Smile. They don’t like that. F-k them.

Okay, their power is waning and I am beginning to see the bigger picture. That lack of oxygen was effecting my vision. Started blacking out and got the tunnel-vision action.
Okay. Left LCH earlier today so I can ready myself for the Center. Had to get home and do some paperwork before I made my tour around. Wanted to shower and shave before I did my thing, but looking back. . .
. . .the late night collaging was effecting my normal coping skills, which at times, can be Extraordinary. I don’t like to brag. Well, not too much. Okay, I can be the most patient, MOFO. Today, the 2 hrs of sleep and the early morning walk and the stress of the events of the day, well, it could have turned out much differently, but my body tiredness was affected my mind wakefulness. Got irritated at stupid stuff. Missed on some good opportunities. Irritation meter on high. Well, long story short: Need Sleep. Yes, sleep is what I need.
In the LCH cafeteria, I got the Bobble head. I closed my eyes for a second and poof. Ten minutes disappeared. Eyelids went flaccid and time stopped. Felt the blackberry slip before it crashed to the tray and table. When I shut my eyes it was 9:40. Opened a second later. It was 9:50 am. What the heck?!!!
Oh, oh. The Bobbles are getting stronger. The lion yawn—oops. Boy, I am tired. May need to camp in the Civic in a second. I am making bush league mistakes and my Flow is constipated. Its got the back ups. Body is going titanic. It’s fighting between staying awake and contracted. Trying to press the buttons, but. . .they are. . .ge. . .tt. . .in. . .g slower.
Somethin. . .gs is hap. . .pen. . g. The earth’s gravitational p. . .ull is expo. . .nen. . .tia. . .l . . .le Str. . .ahhhhh. . .ngr
Get. . .tun h. . .eh veee. . .r.
Gremlin Smile. They have the mimic ability. Sometimes its a gremlin. Sometimes its doppleganger Yoda. Sometimes its Kung Fu Panda
(((Unconscious Mind))) You have one this battle Gremlin, But you will not win the war.
Gremlin laughs.
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