Driving home. Sun is to my left. Passing McCarran. Its been a few days. Russell and Jewel got married. Spent a couple hours getting lost around Las Vegas. Drove around city. Went to Hoover, Sapphire, and downtown. Saw hookers, strippers, pimps, crack pipes, pirate ships, waterfalls, pyramids, monkey gods, and statue liberty. Ate rice, krispy kremes, prime rib, and snow crabs. Flew in a helicopter. Walked up and down stairs all day. Pushed a baby cart for a couple of miles. Watched airplane lands. Saw the Celtics win.
Told a stripper that I am not getting a lap dance because I’m thinking about being a priest. She said I don’t believe you. Then I pulled a vocation for priesthood recruitment card. She kept my card. Maybe she will go to church. Who knows? It took me congestive heart failure to get me to the church. Maybe this card will help her.She will probably thinks I am jerk, Don't blame her.
Things we do for family. Made a promise to his Mom, my Aunt, to get him home and to the wedding at reasonable time. Sorry. $500 VIP room sounds fun, but not getting Chris to the chapel ain't worth it. Designated adult at times mean no screwdrivers or greyhounds. Just cranberry juice and OJ, thank you.
Now we journey back home. Took many pictures. Met many people. Watched a lot of things. Good, bad, and troubling. Had some heart to heart talks. Laughed with 2 year old. Saw my brother smile. We had a photographer give me a look about not smiling. We were taking wedding pics. I thought she was looking at someone else. She then indicated at me. We were taking a group picture. I called her a “Bitch”. My Brother said, “Go, Suck D. . . well, you get the picture.” I was smiling then. Everyone else was cracking up. She didn’t even have the camera up to her face. Bitch. I know I took better pictures then she did. She was not even on time for taking pictures. F. . . her.
It was it is. Some exquisite sites. Marveled at the magnificent engineering. Waterfalls and gondolas. Pyramids and $1000 mont blanc pens. Homeless people on the sidewalk. Crack addicts falling me in the parking lot. Russian and Asian exotic dancers asking for a private room. Drank OJ and cranberry juice at the Sapphire. Rode in a limousine and a tram.
Heard of fist fights and angry words. Heard children laughter and enjoyed a fifteen minute water massage. (Wear ear plugs) Had prime rib at 11:30 pm. Forgot to wash the conditioner out of my hair. Its drying still.
Let someone wear my dress pants so he can get into the Gentlemen’s club. He was wearing sandals and plaid shorts. Not a good idea. NOT GOOD, at all. TERRIBLE. Lounging at the sapphire I told him I would be UPSET if my pants get stained. F___ker got a lap dance. His first lap dance. My pants had glitter and (I think smelled of peach/ bubble gum lotion) I am guessing. I didn’t want to check very closely. My clothes smelled of bubble gum. Well, got to brunch at Whiskey Petes.
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