Sitting in Barnes & Nobles with a full stomach.
Didn’t go for the walk with the rest of family around the mall. Said I was going to the gym. Needed to work off all these calories. Whew, instead I went to Barnes and Nobles. Okay, I am going into diabetic coma in a minute.

Reminded me of time when I went Raman, Ramsin, and Ken. We were journeying for for the perfect strip joint on Santa Monica in Hollywood. we searched and searched through the night. That was until we saw a pregnant stripper work the pole. Not a sight that I want in my memory banks. Gave her money because she was working. Felt bad. It is what it is. No judgments.Time to go home.
Time has it where we make joy in things that we do. It is time to enjoy the people that we are with. It is time to pass the joy and love amongst us all. To tell stories of times past. To show the parents and parents’ parent the fine art of the Iphone and blackberry. It is the time of passing of oral history. It is a time being with people who you love and loving the people who you are with.
This is a time shared with food and drink reminiscing of times long ago. Discussing the love of the time to come. It was a time being in the now. In a time where youtubes and facebook, recording our beinghood, these are attempts to capturing in the pleasant moments in the now.
Technology changes and the tradition of passing memories are limited by the screens of the Iphone and blackberry in all of us. These are important to lock into digital world our time and love on this earth.
However, let us not forget the screen and lens are only so big and our view is so large. Nothing can replace the hug and kiss of the one’s next to us. The smell of a baby in need of changing. The stain on the blouse in which syrup has stained into one’s memory. The human condition is more than a flash of a photo. It is the facial expression that can never be taken at the right moment. Our eyes, ears, smell, and touch are the sensory collectors that locks into our memories of the Loved Ones in our lives.
Bullets may flash by here and there. Our demeanor is the same. The loved ones could be taken flight to distance long, far and near. Something about being in the moment that no words, no camera, no video can record.

Remember your Mom. Remember your Son. Remember your Sister, your Brother, Your Husband, Your Wife. Your Daughter. Cameras and CDs can only capture only a snapshot of happiness. You are the holder of everything that is beautiful. It has always been that way. So in this time of Mothers near and far, remember enjoy everything, Make buffets fun. Take a bite of everything. Remember camera phones can only capture what the little screen can hold. Your memory holder is the sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound of everything in the Right Now.
Sorry so long. My words can only capture so much.
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