Got away from the original purpose. Nothing bad, its just this was the direction writing lead. Had to take a pause and re-evaluate the direction. Had to course correct. Haven’t read some of the posts, but I will. It is needed. Need to examine what was right, wrong, and where I would like to go.
Think that I need to go back to talking of the hero’s journey. Talked about modern mythology, religion, personal history, and such. Stuff that seemed to stray away from the Hero’s journey.
Well, so I thought.
There is a need to get back to the roots. Some insights. Learned that during the evolution of this writing that it manifested to personal history, personal discovery of religion, exploration of the person, and a sharing of my life. This was not my original intent. Wanted to place some objectivism to this writing. However, could and did not want to get away from the personal stuff. There would have been a disconnect. These are vital to tone and voice I have developed. No one is robotic and this blog is organic. It needs to survive and thrive. Moreover, I learned when writing about hero's journey is to talk of oneself. It is to talk of our personal journey through they eye of the wayfarer and of the observer. It is to uncover the reasoning, feelings, intimations of the journeyperson and to view if from that of a Watcher. Both are vital to understanding the human condition and why people choose to act and think certain ways.
Not sure where it will lead, but this is a journey. One that I hope to enjoy and to have company. My discovery in this blog and some study is that Heroes are people. Ordinary people leading extraordinary lives. Many heroes have a basic needs: Love, Friendship, Loss, Redemption, Faith and Family.
Heroes have some basic themes. Some are gifted with wonderful powers. Some have struggled to through fire and brimstone. Some are accidental warriors. Some are just born of unusual circumstances. Some are ordinary with a sheer will to survive and succeed. Still all Heroes have certain commonalities. We’ll be getting back to exploring this basic. The emphasis will be an examination of the commonalities.
Any insights, comments, and feedback is welcome. So, here it is. I never saved anything for the swim back. This are my insights, comments, and feedback. Writing has fired my need to reconnect with family and friends. It has helped me recover and discover my family history. It found me going to places I’ve never been. It has fired interest to have my scribbles published. It has made me want to document what I’ve seen and done. Some results: Started two more blogs. One on cooking (This is in the gestational) Another on Picture of the Day Take one picture everyday of the year. I’ve been invited to write on other websites. I have decided to get published, too. This blogging has fueled my need to redefine myself and to explore areas I never considered. It has helped me to Live Out Loud. To Live Brave.
Well, that is enough with the hoopla. Now is time to get some work done.
My renewed goals and aspirations. Hope you are entertained. So let me renew my Blog's Mission--Entertain. May she broadcast the message of Hope, a belief the Human Spirit is strong. May the posts cover the Hero's journey in movies, religion, sports, literature, comics, and politics. She'll discuss my personal experiences and observations. More importantly, I Hope, she'll touch a chord to make one think better, to act better, and to be better.
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