Friday, November 26, 2010

Ouch, I've Fallen. . .

Hero's Blog link

Took a fall this morning. Knocked the wind out of me. Thought I broke my arm. Just throbs right now. Got lucky. It could have been worse. Last few nights its been brisk. Hitting the high teens.  Morning sprinkler is on a timer and I wasn’t paying attention this morning, focusing on the day ahead. Felt the lower step, then the slip, then the slide. Before I knew it, couldn’t breathe.

Grabbed my elbow, praying I didn’t break it. Nice lump though. “Uuumph” this is the sound of having the wind knocked out of you. My fight or flight response was on overtime.  Respiration was high. My eyes were dilated and my heart was bumping. Before I realized what happened, my world changed in an instant. No longer straight ahead, I was looking up at the deep blue sky. Let me tell you, there was no bird. No plane. Not even Superman.

Ouch, it did not tickle. Got up. Looked down and noticed the ice at the entrance. Took another deep breath and went on my way. Got in the car and just sat there for a moment, assessing what happened. I was lucky. It could have been much worse. If I wasn’t wearing my backpack at the time, I'd still be on my back, maybe unconscious. Certainly with something broken. Got lucky. Maybe my Guardian Angel was watching over me.  Thank Goodness, I didn’t put my laptop in my backpack this time. I'm lucky my elbow didn’t feel broken and I didn’t need x-rays. 

Don’t wallow on what could have been. Just want to be thankful for the lucky events that could’ve happened. It could have. . .well, lets not worry about that.

Sitting right now, tapping the keys. I want to say that I’ve been blessed.  Blessed with a good family. Blessed with good friends. Blessed for many things. Yesterday was Thanksgiving. It was a busy day. Fun filled one, too. Got some time to explore a little of LA. Ate at my first Boulangerie. Had poached eggs and salad for breakfast. Realized that I missed having a dog. Met my cousins for the first time. Barbara and Pia. Beautiful, smart, and funny. Was welcomed by Aunt Mary, Uncle Bradley, and Bee. Had some good grubs at my Uncle Juhn’s place. It was packed. Had a private mass there, too.  Salmon, pancit, fried turkey, mashed potatoes and a bite (only a bite) of pecan pie. And a bite chocolate silk pie. And a bite of raspberry cream cheese. Yum.

Missed working the soup kitchen at Grace Resource. They were closed by the time I got there. However, I did see my good friend’s mom in the hospital. She is doing better than when I last saw her.  After wards, had some more good eats at my Sister-In-law’s family house. Decorated mini Xmas stockings and had some tamales and strawberry salad. Yum.

Looking back at with all of the bumps and bruises life has to offer, I’d say I’ve been pretty lucky. Many people fall down. Many people have it worse than a slip and fall in the front yard. Many people lose hope and wallow in what could have been. Seen it in their eyes at Skid Row in downtown. Admittedly, I too, made sure my door was locked when stopped at red light.

Thing is this. Maybe I am writing to the person that asked me, “Why am I so busy?” Partially, it is because I’ve fallen down, and I can get back up. There will be a time, when getting back up won’t be so easy. I know that in a moment, life can change in heartbeat.  Not anyone’s fault, just life happens. Its just staying down, that is the really question.

A saying comes to mind. “Get busy living or get busy dying?” Choice is up to you. Finished up a dvd last night. Its an old one. An Academy Award Best Picture. 80 Days Around the World. It’s a story of a gentlemen placing a wager with his fellow club members. He had 80 days to travel around the world. Facing Hot Air Balloon difficulties, broken down boats, burning at the stakes on two continents, bull runs, and a host of other challenges. He is challenged by a series of setbacks. He overcomes events with some life judo. Using the momentum of troubling events to catapult him further along his journey.

We can succumb to many slips and falls. We can remain anchored by past regrets and sorrows. Truth of the matter is no one would blame you for not wanting to go on. Fact is no one would cheer you on to move forward either. The truth is its your choice to get up or stay down.  If and when you do get blamed or cheered on for actions done and not done, it is a miracle. They cared enough to say something. Better than silence I say. When they say nothing, they don't even care. Remember, criticism and praise are  fleeting.  It’s a miracle at times to get kudos. Its miracle at time to give a pat on the back. Let me tell you, they are needed.

People are on their own journeys. They come from many places. Struggled through a host of challenges, seen and unseen.  Not one to judge and pile on, anymore. Before we look at another with disdain and pity, I think it best to look at one’s own face in the mirror before rendering advice and equivocations.  If you can say you are perfect, than I by all means share your knowledge of the world. Until then, I think its best to look with softer eyes and more open heart. Just be grateful for all things given and do what you can to help another when they have fallen on hard times.

Before you know it, visions of bright future in the horizon could be changed without notice. You may be on your back looking up wondering what just happened.  Trust me, I can speak to this matter first hand.

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