Thursday, January 27, 2011

Next time. . .

Didn't get published in the AV Lifestyle Magazine. Didn't win the photo contest either. That is okay. It happens. Does it diminish my motivation? Yes, a little. Is it disappointing? Yes, a little. Will I continue to write and take pictures? Of course, I will.

Didn't start writing this to be a famed novelist or writer. It was just something that I wanted to do. There was an old English teacher who ripped into a story I wrote in front of class. Ouch!!! For a time, this bothered me.

Always had good feedback in school. After the evisceration in front of class, well, I put on a poker face and let it wash over me. Trouble it soaked in and I didn't know. Stained me for some time. Took years to learn, but if you put yourself out there, some times people have issues and they blast you for no reason. Sometimes there are reasons, but that is another topic. For now though, it happens. It may not be that some one does not like you or your work. It is just that you, like others, may enjoy other things more.

Sure it disappointing. It diminishes ego not to be accepted nor approved. When I go to my niece's gymnastic competition, I amazed how she can be put under such scrutiny. A bobble here. A misstep there. Not enough action in the routine. Being judged is wrenching. Forget about pageants and beauty contest. Whoa!!! Don't think the male psyche could withstand such an assault. One would have to be a politician to bare the brunt of such onslaught.

Imagine the people on American Idol. Their dreams dashed because of three judges' opinions. Heard on the radio of a lady that didn't get in to Idol this morning. She thought it was her weight that stopped from Idol fame. Lashed out on the judges. Perhaps its true. Perhaps body image was a subconscious factor in their decision. Who knows? It could have been the judges? Could have been her singing was lacking? Maybe it was the autumnal equinox?

It is a duty for one to evaluate the circumstances surrounding an event. If it is the song, if it was the appearance, if it was execution, this is a vital step to understanding and developing. More importantly to move. Was going to say move on, then I thought. Move up. Move down. Or Not to Move.

We have choices. Always will have choices. We can learn and take steps to improve one's performance and ability. We can Move down and give up, which is still  viable option. No shame. Watch Fame the Movie regarding this matter. You can stay where you are at, living the moment stuck. Like former football athletes stuck in the glory of yesteryear. Like sports talk listeners, impassioned by the wins and loss of their favorite team.

We put ourselves to the scrutiny of the world where the slightest misstep is the cause for Armageddon. Watching part of the Chicago Bears and Packers game for the AFC Championship (or was it NFC). it was troubling. Jake Cutler, the Bears QB, hurt his knee. Fans were distraught by his body language. They were distraught that he ate dinner at a restaurant in public and walked up and down some stairs. They were lost because the team didn't win and they needed a scapegoat for their lot in life. Would go on, but the fervor would fuel a fire that needs to be quenched instead of continued.

Part of a roller coaster is falling down. Going up is fun, having the wind blown across your face at 60 mph. Yet, going to the valleys, is just as important. All things have a beginning, a middle, and an end. We need at times to go up, go down, and just pause at times. We need to end some rides when the time comes. We need to graduate from the kiddie rides because we have gotten taller. The sign says if you are at this height, you can take this ride.

Think of the people that judge as these little signs. They are guardians of the next step. But they are not perfect either. Look at this way, stand on your toes, wear lifts if you can. These signs/ judges are there for a reason and is part of the price of entry. However, there are other rides to take and more time to ride on the kiddie rides. Before too long, you won't be able to.

So again, instead of wallowing in despair and distraught, realize the park is closing and you would have spent all this time missing the so many rides. People change, transform. Although the story was one of my favorites, the right person has read and things are okay.

Here is the article that didn't get published. Next time I guess. We got more stories to live and write. Another time story link

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