Sitting in the car, waiting to drive to a funeral. Its cold outside. Its cold inside the car, too. Waiting for the rest of the family to go, but they are still getting ready. My phone is busy, but I am not quite ready to answer it. Maybe on the drive down there. It’s an hour plus drive. From Victorville to Cypress. Its been some time since I’ve been to Cypress. It neighbors Garden Grove which is close to Buena Park and Disneyland.
Don’t know who this relative is. Not sure my aunt or Mom knows either. They say he is a cousin of cousin. Which is like Filipino time. Party is at 11 am so that means get there by 1pm. Just take their word for it and just accept it and smile. No need to be too inquisitive. Just accept it for what it is.
Went to a couple of Genealogical Societies. Southern California and Antelope Valley one, too. Most of the people are older, seniors.I get as they get closer to the end they want to know others have been there and others will follow. I get the feeling that they like talking about who they are? Who they are related to and just gossip about the scandals. It was like jr high girls gossiping this that and the other. Once one got past the gray hair, wrinkles, and gums it was just like Sage Jr. High. Must have spent an 20 minutes listening to talk about some effrontery her distant cousin had with a former beau. They are both gone. Drama, got to love it.
Sorry, had to leave for a moment. Cocoa got out and was playing the street. I am not sure which is worse, having the dog get out running in traffic or have my Aunt Sally chasing after her in the Civic. She doesn't pay attention to the oncoming traffic. I will let you just imagine. We don't to want to come to an end before its time. Its like a cherry blossom tree never flowering
Anyways, back to the story. We are on Bear Valley Road. Passing O’Reilly Auto Parts going into Chevron. Got to get some petrol. Gas is $4.09 now. Ouch. Its been leaping lately. It was $3.39/galloon a couple weeks ago. The two went inside to get a lotto card and gas. We got a road trip. Its funny. Used to live out here in “daVille” Much has changed. Shopping Centers with Best Buy and 24 Hour Sport have blown up. There is a Popeye's Chicken behind me. To my left is the WalMart and Jiffy Lube. Shakey’s and Wherehouse have met extinction.
Stephanie just posted on Facebook, “I need a woman.” She’s probably right. You see my cousin’s dog, Cocoa and I was hanging out with me last night while I was watching the Lakers game. She was cold so I put her next to me. She got tired and I was sleepy. So we snuggled. Enough of my love life.
GPS is set and we're on the road. Aunty Sally is not the best driver so this is an adventure. Wish I had one of those sleep masks. She almost hit a 16 wheeler. He should know better that she was switching lanes. Oy vey.
Just passed Oak Hills and the mountains are snow packed. It’s a bit windy and she has a lead foot and likes to go heavy on the brakes. Need whiplash drive with her. SSSTTTOOOPPPPPP Braking so hard and put both hands the freaking steering wheel. You are not that great a driver. Okay I need a valium.
Two hands please |
I am going to put the laptop down. My stomach can’t take her driving. Life is that way. We visit people we never met. We watch prices of gas blow up. We see cities grow and thrive. We leave our senses at times and take trips with not so great drivers. We get tossed and turned on bumpy roads. We snuggle with bitches and hear gossip with from grey haired toothless senior citizens about dead relatives 30 years ago. This is the fun stuff.
Traffic. Oh, I forgot about the traffic on a Saturday morning. There shouldn’t be on the weekend . But it happens. Can’t see the road ahead. Just deal with stuff right in front of you. Sometimes these breaks in life happen for reasons we can’t know just yet. On another note, Scott Pilgrim vs the World is the greatest movie ever.
Traffic on Saturday? |
We are living the lives of Odysseus. We search for the Golden Fleece because that is what are Gods and Kings tells us. We get shipwrecked on islands with Cyclops. We dress up like sheep in order get pass troubling times. We at times find our homes filled with men wanting to marry your wife for money and kingdom. We sometimes need to string a bow in order to set the world straight. We battle ex's for Love. I am sure there is a screw up in story line, but you get the picture.
Life is full of adventure. We have ups, downs, and we need to make choices and take up some stances. We need to live with them. We can change our life environment or we can change our attitude. We really don’t have control of anything. Life has a way of effecting the best laid plans. We can cry about things that didn’t work out. . .and we should shed a tear. However, if we get stuck in these dark places, we could miss all the other fun stuff out there. Let me tell you, there is fun stuff. Moments will pass. So enjoy and build on Karma points.
The reason this post is called 127 Hours (French). It is because you should watch this movie. Enough said. Got to go to a funeral and celebrate life.
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