Homeward bound, we were on the last legs of our two week, multi-state, multi-country road trip. Mom, Dad, Kevin, Jason, “Nanay” ,“Tatay” and I were ready for home. Driving in the van was fun, but there is such a thing as “Too much” family time.
Saw many sights for the first time family vacation. Hoover Dam’s green angels, Las Vegas’s Bellagio Fountains, and San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge. Rode on a mule in the Grand Canyon. Sailed on my first ship in British Columbia. Watched Old Faithful erupt in Yosemite. However, the most memorable moment happened at a camp rest stop. Yeah, at a Camp Rest Stop.
We decided to stretch our legs and freshen up. Readying lunch at the picnic area, we had sandwiches and sodas spread out. Dad was napping. Mom was cooking. “Nanay” was brushing her hair. “Tatay” was soaking his teeth—dentures—in a red cup. Kids were playing.
Finishing up lunch, Dad finally woke up from his nap. A Hobo came to our table and asked for food and drink. Dad still groggy handed him a sandwich and cup to drink. A few minutes later, the Hobo started screaming and shouting at us. He kept on shouting, “Is this a joke? What is wrong with you people?”
Speechless, our jaws dropped by his reaction. We were stunned. “Tatay” angry was so mad he forgot to put his teeth in. An act of kindness and this is how we get appreciated. Nice.
Red cup in hand it looked like the Hobo was going to throw it at us. Instead, he turned around, walked away, and threw his arms up in disgust. Red cup went flying into the trees.
“Tatay” was looking around for something. Then his face turned white. Guess, he realized why the Hobo was angry. Chasing after the Hobo, I thought, “Grandpa, my “Tatay,” was going to throw down.” Apparently, Dad accidentally gave the wrong cup. The cup he handed him was the red cup “Tatay” used to soak his dentures. Ooops.
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