Looking outside the car a little after the California/ Nevada border, we saw a drive in movie theater. It was a sight to see. Movie on the big screen was Soul Surfer. Trucks kept on whizzing by so I could not get a good picture. It was a distance, but it was there. Thought for awhile these relics were expired. Then here it was. A few miles West. Movie seems fitting with the news. Surfer girl gets her arm bitten off by a shark. She loses a lot of blood, almost dies. She struggles, asks, “Why?” She gets back on the board, but falls. She gets back on, adapts the board. She doesn’t win the contest, but realizes her bigger purpose. Eventually she becomes champ, but she won before she ever entered the contest again.
Looking back, the US inability to catch OBL was disheartening. Supposed world leader, can’t find one guy. Ridiculous. Don’t want to celebrates a terrorist’s death, giving for their martyrdom to the fallen. Can’t deny the urge, to celebrate. . .a Justice. Celebrate Retribution. Celebrate a national hurt by falling the angry man’s follies.
Commander-In-Chief, It comes with the job. Good, bad, or indifferent. A sense of continuity and stewardship. We pick up and carry. We inherit the package of others, good will and hardship. We want to realize our own goals, meet our own expectations, then realize we the task others have left. We balance and falter. We regain. We do what we can in the time and means we have. A sense of tasks undone, and we hurry and decide big things as we see the finish line of our term. Then we lay it down when our turn is done.
With beckon breath we hold this relief. Waiting for the other to fall, we are cautiously optimistic. Another stark danger around the corner. An act devastating and planned. This I fear. Heard and felt it on the news and FB universe. Fear of payback. Can’t run away from it.
We just celebrated it. A game with consequence, a game with global reverberation. We can feel it in the ripples. Its balances overhead. In the airports we visit. In the train stations we depart and return to. In the events we attend. . .a sense retribution hangs in the air. A great challenge ahead of dire consequence, where all are at risk.
Yet, we will grow. . .fall. . .and hurt a little, but we will rise and meet the challenge. Or we will not. “It matters not how straight the gate, or punishments fill the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my . . .”
Still that moment is not here. We are in the place between dark and light. A place where feel pulled up and grounded. So here will stay. We will wait for the force to move us or until we decide to move. This Force is strong among us. Instead of running and hiding, we will smile and sigh. Take the wonders in and thank the Big Smile for all that has been given. A moment has passed. A Big Chapter has finished. We should take a moment of pause and reflect, but the cycle continues. . .it always continues.
So let us pull the sword from the stone and meet greater dangers. With new joys in our hearts, let us smile and dance because the music continues.
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