Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Be Bold and Mighty Forces Will Come To Your Aid

Be Bold and Mighty Forces will Come To Your Aid.

Not all will answer. Nor should they. Its not in their makeup to take that leap. If all were foolish to jump blindly, then all would be disappointed. One may wallow in a Life of what could have been. Pangs of defeat, effort wasted, hearts broken. To continue trying when previous efforts failed.

Still. . .

Forces will not be denied. We can hide, but the past will not be denied. Truth will come out. Truth like who We are. Truth of what We did and did not do. Truth will smack us in the faces. We can hide. We can pretend. We can deny certain facts, certain circumstances, certain ugliness. Still, the truth just percolates to the top. It is inevitable force.

Cnut, the King of Denmark, brought a village to the sea. He he had his throne carried to the seashore and sat on it as the tide came in, commanding the waves to advance no further. A child laughed as the King’s commands were unanswered.  In that moment, he made all realize, though the deeds of kings might appear 'great' in the minds of men, they are nothing.

One prayer come to mind when I am torn between anarchy and order. It goes like this, “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference.”

Critical mass is all the works of prior efforts culminated to point of action. Time is one such force. Truth is another inevitability. Age, too. These are the tectonic plates of change.

We can hold on tight and pretend we have control—pretend we have command—pretend we have power others and things, but this is simply an illusion. It is a story. It’s a lie.Its an illusion.

In the end, it matters. It all matters. The lie matters. The illusion matters. The story matters. The dream matters. Our lives are filled with many, many, many stories. Stories of Heroes overcoming overwhelming odds. Heroes falling down and getting back up. It is the intention that manifest. Asking the Universe to make certain dreams a reality.  

We all Fall. We all Fail. Still we come to realize that Life is also the waves crashing, our intention, our spirit, our soul is an Undeniable Force.

In our darkest hour, we cry out for help. We find ourselves alone. We shout out in pain. In anger. We go through the cycle. Denial, Anger, Bargain, Depression, and Acceptance. We understand and accept that our choices are to stand up or lie down. 

We must Act Bold and Allow the Mighty Forces come to our aid.

Mighty forces are the ones in the mirror. Mighty forces are the ones that stand next to us. Mighty Forces are the shoulders of the giants that lifted us. It is their stories, their deeds, their mythology. Mighty Forces are the Future. They are our children that will pull us and prod us to be better than we believe we can. Mighty Forces are the ones that decide to act knowing in their heart that All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men (and women) do nothing”

The foundation for great things always begins with “We just decided to.” If the Big Smile deems the cause worthy,  the Mighty Forces Will Come to Our Aid

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