Turned out to be float time. First time in forever, this morning I decided to watch some of the Rose Parade. Guess, these mini signals were just hinting. Last night Nanay said she was thinking about volunteering at the Rose Parade making floats. Than the next couple hours later, Luz said she wanted to work on the parade this year, but forgot. The Big Smile kept dropping hints. I got it. Guess, I'm a bit slow this year.
Used Auntie Sally’s car today. She stayed for the family
party with Nanay. The idea of sitting,eating, and watching football is cool, but for
the First day of the year just didn't feel right. There was an itch for something more and I needed to scratch.
Many of the streets were cordoned off. Plus, the GPS was giving wrong
directions. Didn't find the
parking lots that I've used in the past. Took a long way around, far from normal. Last year, Shena, Sham, and Reana came with me to the 2012 Rose
Parade. Paid $40 bucks. Years before it was $20 and $25. This year I got lost
but later gratefully found. Found the Boy Scout Parking lot. This was the closest lot to the
entrance. It didn't need the shuttle. It was three minute walk to the entrance. Moreover, it was only 10 ducats. Bonus!!! Definitely will be using this one from now on.
Anyways, this happy accident was what was needed. Some time
away to be alone with my thoughts. No one to wait for and no none waiting for
me wanting to go. Only time constraint was the park hours. Figured
from one to five would be ample time to take pictures.
Turns out, it wasn't Used the whole four hours. In a way it
was fortunate that I ventured by myself. This road was a lonely one today. However, the Big Smile will provide. Went to the last night movies to
get some space and an old school mate I facebook friended just happen to walk by while heading into the
line. We sat next to each. She was with family and friend. It was a nice meld of company
and space. Just hate feeling smothered at times. It is taxing
for me. It may seem rude at times, but I need breathing room. Share a
conversation here and there, but space is a premium.
Found myself transfixed a few floats this year. Kaiser’s
Nursing float, the Thailand/ Indonesia float, and Cat and the Hat were some of
my favorites. They were widely creative and wonderfully done. however, what won
me over was the Korean War Soldiers float was my absolute favorite. A band of
Warriors just wanting to survive and get home. It reminded me a bit of the
Hobbit, the Unexpected Adventure from the night before. A band of dwarfs going through a bit of
an Odyssey with the adventure seeking Bilbo Baggins.
Anyways, there is more, but here is where I will end. 1/365
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