So tomorrow is Lent and she asked me to bring some ashes I
will. Its important, because she asked. I’m her Godfather and that is what we
do . They ask and that is enough.
Finished reading the New Testament a couple days ago. I need
to finish the Pentateuch and the few books of the Old Testament. Most of them
have chapter of 25 plus. Proverbs or Psalms has around 150. Not sure I am going to make my personal
deadline. But I will push.
Couple disturbing happened. Biggest was the IOC will dump
wrestling from the 2020 Olympics. Can’t tell you how troubling this is. This
stalwart, this foundational sport is getting nixed while bullshit sports like Pentathlon
and equestrian is going to stay. Gold, come on. What kind of secret ballot BS
is the IOC going through. Signed a petition to the White House to have
President do something about it. Not
going to list reason to why this elimination is incredibly stupid
Also the manhunt for that Dornan guy in Big Bear may have
come to an end.
There was also the President’s State of the Union tonight,
too. Lots said and lots worth doing.
Worldly things and personal things happened today. Lots
significant and insignificant events happen everyday. In the scheme of things,
it mean nothing and it means everything.
I am reminded of the scene from Kingdom of Heaven. Balian of Ibelin:
What is Jerusalem worth? Saladin: Nothing. [walks away] Saladin: Everything!
In our lives we pretend to believe that we do and has
purpose then somewhere along the way we find that this might not be the case. However,
it may mean Everything. Our lives of going to school, work, marrying your
sweetheart, and dying. It seems very mundane an antlike existence; however,
whether we rationalize our behavior and make it grander than what it really is,
it is hard to imagine that is nothing more than vanity to think that its more
than what it is. Our place in the universe. Still.
1 The words of the Preacher, the son of
David, king in Jerusalem.
2 “Vanity[a] of vanities,” says the
Preacher; “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.”
3 What profit has a man from all his labor In
which he toils under the sun?
4 One generation passes away, and another
generation comes; But the earth abides forever.
5 The sun also rises, and the sun goes down,
And hastens to the place where it arose.
6 The wind goes toward the south, And turns
around to the north; The wind whirls about continually, And comes again on its
7 All the rivers run into the sea, Yet the
sea is not full; To the place from which the rivers come,
There they return again.
8 All things are full of labor; Man cannot
express it.
The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor
the ear filled with hearing.
9 That which has been is what will be,That
which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there anything of which it may be said,
“See, this is new”? It has already been in ancient times before us.
11 There is no remembrance of former things,
Nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come By those who will
come after.
In the end, it means nothing . In the end, it means
everything. Activate or deactivate your Facebook account. Keep wrestling, keep
wrestling, keep wrestling or lose Olympics. State of the Union, Find the Truth
about the manhunt. All it means nothing. All it means everything. Your life and
the effect on the world means nothing. It means everything.
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