Friday, June 7, 2013

June 6

What now?

Late night write. A bout of insomnia. Heat feels heavy. Not sure this combination will be conducive to a magical moment. Lets trod on anyways. 

Baby steps. 

Tina seems to be performing well. She's a natural closer. Doing the ABC's. Sales talk. Not long ago, we were talking about her transferring to sales from front desk. She's knocking out of the park from what I see. Used to live and eat in this world. Things changed me and the rush is gone. It was time to go.

Been tracking some dollar bills on this site. You enter the ID number on the good old George or Lincoln or Jackson. In time others will enter the same digits on their own. If you are lucky, there will be hitch. Won't say that I stamped because defacing a US Currency is not exactly legal. However, allegedly, others have done so. Some write short sentences. Some say visit this website and see there this note has been. Some have of mine have been to Vegas, San Francisco, LA. Some I have received were Boston. Cool enough.

This website made me think of how we touch people. A brief encounter. Like an exchange of money for good. A $20 bill here spent on groceries from Los Angeles may end up in a person's hands in Las Vegas or Utah. It would take an act of faith. Think of all the steps to get to this point. Person has to stamp the bill, mark it in some fashion. Then it gets dumped in the market economy with billions of other bills. Then instead of being sent to the bank or left in someone's wallet for time immemorial, the bill needs to get in someone's hand that knows what it is. Then that person has to log on and then enter the digits. Wah Lah. You got a hit.

Think of everyone we meet on a daily basis. Family, friends, strangers--one kind word or rough exasperation and this feeling is spread through their friends and so and so on. Crap people face is guaranteed. People have bad day and their good behavior hat is removed. Yet, if we can say some thing nice. Do something to pay it forward, then who knows?

Stopped by comic book shop today. It was tiny. Only graphic novels and toys up front. They had the new issues in the bags and baggings. Based on the conversation I overheard, they were high school band kids. Seller was pumping the latest story line, East versus West. Not sure what it is but would be easy to guess. A master criminal mind of sort is consorting to bring bad in the world, like drugs, trafficking, or corporate espionage. Good guys find out. Someone is harmed. Government ask for assistance. Or dumb luck gets them into the fray. Battle ensues. Heroes are victorious, but at a cost. Someone passes or leaves. Hard lesson earned. There's aftermath issue of sort, where the heroes take stock and so the cycle begins again. 

Any ways, the reason many like heroes is because they endure.

They perform some extraordinary feat and people idolize them hoping to get some of that. Much like sport fanatics. They were jerseys of the heroes. LeBron, Kobe, Tebow. Often these warriors succeed. But what many endears many to these athletes is that they fall and some how, they find courage, strength, love to get up again. Falling down a hill, then getting back up. 

We all love that. Is it reality? I don't know. Well, maybe I do. However, why do people go to the movies. Root for their heroes, because there is something more. Like the dollar bill stamped, Wheresgeorge. Like people going to a comic book shop. Like wearing that jersey of that superstar. We like that there is Hope. So we escape into the movies, the book, sporting event--Because we need to be inspired. 

Anyways,  Burn Notice is on. Time to go.

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