Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tectonic: A Late Night Write

She dreamt about an earthquake. Living in California close to San Andreas, this is not far jump from reality. I said, "We should stockpile some water." After yesterday's post, the idea of the "Powerhouse Fire" breaking containment was not outside the realm of possibilities. Front page story, it had big pictures of the blaze going on not too far from here.

Stepping in these moments of deja vu, to me, it is affirming. Its a dream realized. Not in the cliched Hollywood myth of success. I mean meaning events revealed in a dream has met fruition. When it happens, I try to say, I have been here before. I dreamt these events happening.  Clairvoyant. not sure about that, but good guessing nonetheless. At times, stuff feels like in slow motion. These were moments when I have been in the Zone, the Flow. It is the moment where everything seems right. Maslow's hierarchy of needs used to claim that those in the self-actualized stage would have higher than average "Zone" moments.

Don't know about any of this, but it sounds like it has a point. 

No, there is Meaning.Logic. Purpose. 

Right now, I will leave up to you divine meaning. Story will unfold. 

Swam in the pool for fifty. Did twenty-five freestyle laps. Twenty breast strokes and five fly. Water was not as warm as the day before. Better for me. I like a briskness of a pool. It wakens one up, jumping a brisk pool. Too warm and you are in molasses. We need to give ourselves a wake up splash. We need to wake up by doing something edgy.

What I guess, I am getting to is this. There are always these shakes, these rumblings. Some are 3.0 on the Richter scale. Other times it is 6 or 7. Usually those times they are in some far away place, like Fiji or Thailand. or Alaska They happen all the time, but it does not have significance. Its not major news. Why? Because it is "Over there." Just a blurb on the news, until the next major events strikes. An oil spill in the Gulf. A Hurricane in OKC. Bridge collapsing in Washington. 

Yesterday my personal earthquake, it was the fires burning. Families lost everything in minutes. Now they are now sleeping in a City Park Rec Center a few minutes away. The Powerhouse Fire--It hits close to home. Seeing the clouds of smoke from Sam's Club.Ashes twirling around everywhere. These events are soul eye-openers.

I regularly take these pictures of the freeway when heading south-bound to LA. It amazes me how these structural marvels keep thousand cars high above, more than hundred of feet from the ground below. 

This freeway pictured here a few decades ago failed. Sections of the freeway collapsed in the Northridge Earthquake. Bottom just dropped. An officer riding a motorcycle saw the road ahead of him drop. He gunned it.I believe they named the section of the freeway after him. It was caught on video of this man taking that leap. Going too fast to stop, he decides to gun in with hopes a miracle would happen. He did not make it. It was his time.

Brave, quick thinking, that Oh Shit moment--Well, all I can say is this. Did you say, "I Love You" to those important? Will they know that you are important to them and that you care? Will the regrets weigh you down as the Inevitable presents itself? Will your life review make you smile?

In a TV Show discussing angels, it is said there are two angels that watches us. One angel to mark all the good things. Another to tabulate all the bad things. When it comes to closure one is held accountable. (If you email, I will tell you Channel and show) 

Below our feet tectonic shifts occur. Some times we notice them. Many times we don't. It happens all the time, we just takes the bumps and dumps in stride. No big deal. However, at times, Mother Earth decides to shrug her shoulders and gives us a wake up call and say, "Hey, you got control? I don't think so." 

Truth is, we only have control of our "Smiles and Cries" thank you Ethan Hawke from Training Day. If you don't know, well Netflix it. Raise your awareness. Up your knowledge. Don't just rely on a movie to tell you a story. There is so much more. Forrest Gump movie, for example. Did you know that there is a Orangutan named Sue? Did you know Jenny married someone other than Gump, Did you know Forrest excelled in the harmonica, chess, and Higher math? Get the book.

We get this information from all over the place. Radio, TV, Internet, and friends. All this stuff we are told, may not be the whole story. May not even be close to what is going on. My point is this, An earthquake, a bizarre accident, or secret revealed may shake the foundation of what we hold valuable.  We hear about this all the time. Still we must take this shift and take it in stride. Have our legs act as shock absorbers. Have at it. Let the grounds below rattle. I am reminded by a poem by William Earnest Henley. 

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul

So here, Pick them reins and cowboy up. Nuff said.

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