Statuesque--This is how I would describe her. She's older but she reminds me of those Greek statues found at the Getty. Her raven hair tied back. Body is a pleasant proportion. Just Goldilocks What drew me were her eyes. Smoky. Listened to her talk a few times and she has this husky voice that draws one in. I would watch her through the glass and found her form solid.
Strengthened by the way she moves during the songs, she picks up things quickly and is not afraid to be up for others to follow. Not the best dancer in class, but she belongs up front. She reminds me of tennis player with the way she moves. Dressed in the most fashionable of outfits, I wonder what was her story.
Not ready to ask or start conversation. Just okay not knowing. Wonder if I knew her from another life. Maybe yes. There is a familiarity I am just not ready to confront. Maybe in time. Maybe never. What life happens to open up to. I am ready. No game plan. No contingency. Just whatever happens, happens.
Traveled to Forest Lawn. Glendale. Looking to knock off an item on the bucket list. Visit Walt Disney's Grave. It wasn't what I expected. It was nice and simple. No fanfare. Just hidden in the corner in a tiny patch. Unlike other markers. there was no giant statue up front. No overly exaggerated tombstone. It was nice and simple. A plaque on the wall with their first,last and middle name.
Sat there for awhile. Saying my thanks. Wondering and hoping that I would be endowed with some of Disney Magic.If I had my drawing book, I would have drawn something. Found a mouse ornament tied to one of the branches on the tree. It was next to a purple flower. Its funny. First time I stopped, I wasn't sure if this was it. Just saw a statue of a little mermaid. It was like one found at someone's home yard. Went and sat in the Mausoleum of Freedom. Had to look it up on the phone and get coordinates of where the Disney Grave was.
Earlier I accidentally gave a lady the wrong directions for Jimmy Stewart's Grave. Felt bad because she left before finding it and when she got in her SUV. It was too late. I read the directions again and before I knew it she was driving down ill. She did not see me swinging my arms. She just drove away missing her chance. Sorry.
After taking pictures and sitting with Walt Disney, I searched grounds for other notables. Found Erroll Flynn. Spencer Tracy. Also Casey Stengel. If you don't know, then its time to Google. Found these very inspiring. Some of the greatest in their professions and yet in the end, it was modesty that got my admiration. No fanfare. Just a simplicity that rings through the ages. In a couple of generations, these people will be long forgotten. Just getting an "Uh-huh" from the little ones that would care very little. Guess, getting older I find the simple things matter.
Theresa's Zumba class. For all accounts she should retire. However her staying power is incredible. Her classes are always full. There's a following that no new instructors can match. She's been doing for a couple of decades. When I first got started, she was the one I wold go to. Always high energy. She's got it. There's only one instructor that I think has the stuff to follow in her footsteps. Still consider her the best instructor I have ever seen.
Walking back to the car while taking some pictures of Forest Lawn, there were a few kids walking around reading the markers. Maybe they were visiting family. These grade schoolers were ones I would imagine saying, "Uh huh" with disinterest. Thought about saying, there is a very important person buried just two minutes away and you should pay respects. Role played it out. Have you ever heard of Disneyland? Its fun isn't it? There's this guy name Walt that created Mickey Mouse? He also founded Disneyland and Disney World. Etc. If you want to pay him a visit, it would be just a minute walk that way.
However, by the time I got there, they were already mid way down the hill whooping and hollering like kids should. Its funny, just minutes away and you are in front of greatness. Just at the time did not recognize it. People walked passed Disney's little garden. Not sure if they knew. Had this part of me that wanted to scream do you know who is right there? What held me back was the idea of seeming foolish.
Should have gone Geek on the time. Let them decide if it is worth the moment of pause.
Anyways back to Raven haired lady. Its funny how these moments come and go. Too long and the moment will have passed. Too soon and it will be off putting. Anxious. Too Eager. Moments is missed. So with an indifference, I am okay with the simplicity.Taking the moment and being there. If things fall into place, unforced, than one is lucky. Timing I found a factor in being in the Flow. Just got to be Goldilocks.
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